Installs and configures an Archlinux-machine as UEFI-install.
This is an stripped down playbook which i previously had written to automagic create+boot+install an KVM-host on libvirt. The intention was to fire up Archlinux very quick, very dirty, for testing purposes.
Warning: It will kill everything on the device noted in disk_blockdevice
in the vars.yml
- Defaults to german locale, if you need to change the locale you have to adapt the corresponding lines in the
- Some packages, which i prefere for an basic-install, are installed also. See
for details - The mirrorlist needs to be adapted to your location
The idea here is:
- Boot an archiso
- Install needed tooling into the booted live system to run the playbook
- Clone this playbook from your $VCS (Gitlab, Bitbucket, Github...)
- Adapt vars.yml
- Run the playbook (let it do all the boring stuff and be happy with your new Archlinux-machine)
Just boot archiso
To make copy & paste easier change the root password and SSH into the booted archiso:
root@archiso ~ # passwd
New password:
Retype new password:
passwd: password updated successfully
then, from your client, ssh into archiso:
ssh root@archiso
Hint: If the hostname 'archiso' doesn't work in your network, use the ip of the livesystem
mount -o remount,size=2G /run/archiso/cowspace
pacman -Sy && pacman -S ansible sshpass git --noconfirm
git clone
Cd into the cloned dir
cd cmd-install-archlinux
- Modify
if you need to change locale or packages (or even more ;) ) - Modify
, adapt it. Maybe save your config to a new file, e.g.vars_newhostname.yml
, and link this file tovars.yml
-->ln -s vars_newhostname.yml vars.yml
export ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=False && ansible-playbook -i inventory -l archiso main.yml -k
In case you see errors like ImportError: No module named ansible
then the packages on the iso are outdated for ansible or the iso is to old.
You may try to update the packages with pacman -Syu
but this might not work in all cases as this also updates the kernel.
If this doesn't help, try the latest install-iso or build your own one with archiso and integrate ansible, git and sshpass.