This plugin makes SMTP and AMQP 0-9-1 interoperate. It can
- convert incoming emails to AMQP 0-9-1 messages
- consume AMQP 0-9-1 messages and send out emails
Certain interoperability with other protocols, namely STOMP, can be achieved as well.
This implementation aims to replace the rabbitmq-smtp plugin. It is based on a more advanced gen_smtp rather than on erlang-smtp.
This plugin is moderately mature. The described functionality is fully implemented and has been used in production for a couple of years. Feedback from users and test suite contributions are encouraged.
Binary releases of this plugin are published on GitHub and Bintray (note: on Bintray, gen_smtp must be downloaded separately).
The mapping between SMTP and AMQP 0-9-1 works in both directions. Before we provide a specific configuration example, let's take a look at the conceptual mapping between messages in the two protocols.
The adapter consumes a set of AMQP queues (e.g. email-out
). Each queue is linked
with a "default" domain name. When a message is consumed, its AMQP routing key is
examined to determine the target SMTP address.
- routing key that includes a domain part (i.e. the "@" character") is mapped directly to an SMTP address
- routing key that includes the mailbox name only (i.e. without "@") is combined with the "default" domain name assigned to the queue
To send emails, you should bind these queues to your exchange and then publish a message to this exchange. For example:
import pika
connection = pika.BlockingConnection(
channel =
channel.exchange_declare(exchange='X', type='topic')
channel.queue_bind(exchange='X', queue='email-out', routing_key='#')
content_type = 'text/plain',
headers = {'Subject':'Greetings'}),
body='Hello world!')
The message gets converted as shown in the table below. No content filtering is performed in this direction.
| From: noreply@<domain>
routing_key | To message_id | Message-Id content_type | Content-Type headers | additional headers
The adapter listens for incoming emails. When an email arrives at the adapter, its SMTP "To" address is examined to determine how it should be routed through the system. First, the address is split into a mailbox name and a domain part.
- the domain part (e.g. "
") is used to map sender's address to a RabbitMQ virtual host and exchange name - the mailbox name is mapped to an AMQP 0-9-1 routing key
To receive the incoming emails, simply bind your queue(s) to this exchange. For example:
import smtplib
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
me = ""
you = ""
msg = MIMEText("Hello world!")
msg['From'] = me
msg['To'] = you
msg['Subject'] = 'Greetings'
s = smtplib.SMTP('localhost', 2525)
s.login("guest", "guest")
s.sendmail(me, [you], msg.as_string())
To catch emails sent to unknown recipients you may use an Alternate Exchange.
When server_auth
is false
the server accepts e-mails from any client.
When server_auth
is rabbitmq
the clients need to provide a username
and password that is checked against the rabbitmq server.
The email_filter
configuration option can be used to extract information
from the email body. When enabled, the adapter will:
- select only one part of
content depending on user priority; - remove extra space from
The function is optional, to not extract anything and send the entire e-mail as <<"application/mime">> set:
{email_filter, false}
Otherwise the email_filter
identifies a list of content-types that shall
be preferred. For example:
Extract the text body or (when no text) the first binary attachement. This is the default behaviour.
{email_filter, [ {<<"text">>, <<"plain">>}, {<<"text">>, undefined}, {undefined, undefined} ]}
Each 2-tuple represents content type/subtype. The atom
represents any content other than <<"multipart">>. -
Extract the first binary attachement or (when no attachement) the text body.
{email_filter, [ {binary, undefined}, {<<"text">>, <<"plain">>}, {<<"text">>, undefined} ]}
The atom
represents any content other than <<"text">> and <<"multipart">>.
Depending on the email_headers
option the message gets converted as shown in
the table below. The adapter will pass to AMQP only selected MIME headers
{email_headers, ["subject", "from", "charset"]},
From | |
To | exchange, routing_key |
| message_id
| timestamp
Subject | Subject Content-Type | content_type
Like with most plugins, this one needs a configuration section in the RabbitMQ config file. RabbitMQ Configuration guide for more details.
All keys used by this plugin are under the rabbitmq_email
section (app). Key settings are:
defines SMTP server parameters (same as ingen_smtp
maps sender domains to RabbitMQ virtual hosts and exchangesrabbitmq_email.email_queues
maps virtual hosts and queues to outgoing email domainsrabbitmq_email.client_config
configures SMTP client settings for outgoing emailrabbitmq_email.email_from
configure theFROM
header used in outgoing emails
For example:
{rabbitmq_email, [
%% gen_smtp server parameters
%% see
{server_config, [
[{port, 2525}, {protocol, tcp}, {domain, ""}, {address,{0,0,0,0}}]
%% how clients are authenticated; either 'false' or 'rabbitmq' (default)
{server_auth, rabbitmq},
%% whether STARTTLS shall be offered; either 'true' or 'false' (default)
{server_starttls, true},
%% maps inbound email domains to vhosts and exchanges: [{email-domain, {vhost, exchange}}, ...}
[{<<"">>, {<<"/">>, <<"email-in">>}}
%% outbound email queues: [{{vhost, queue}, email-domain}, ...]
[{{<<"/">>, <<"email-out">>}, <<"">>}
%% sender indicated in the From header
{email_from, <<"noreply">>},
%% sender indicated in the SMTP from
{client_sender, ""},
%% gen_smtp client parameters
%% see
{client_config, [
{relay, ""}
You may want to run a standard Postfix SMTP server on the same machine and forward to the RabbitMQ plug-in only some e-mail domains.
Add the domains to be processed by RabbitMQ to the
listrelay_domains = $mydestination,
Make sure the
file is enabledtransport_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/transport
Add links to the plug-in to the
In case the plugin doesn't seem to work as expected, please start a rabbitmq-users thread and provide a way to reproduce:
- RabbitMQ version used
- Plugin version used
- Steps to reproduce
- Server logs
If the email => message workflow is used, please provide the exact email used. Do not use the forward button or modify the content in any way. Original MIME headers and body are critically important in troubleshooting.
You can build and install it like any other plugin (see the plugin development guide).
To enable non-ASCII characters in e-mails, export EICONV=1
and run make dist
EICONV=1 make dist
This is optional as it requires an Erlang NIF, eiconv
. It is built
automatically, but since this is a NIF (native code) its module
(eiconv-1.1.ez) is not portable between platforms. When eiconv
disabled the rabbitmq-email
plugin will ignore both header and
content encoding schemes.
- 0.1.0 (Dec 22, 2015)
- Compatibility changes for RabbitMQ 3.6.x.
- 0.0.2 (Nov 14, 2015)
- Supports authentication using RabbitMQ database.
- Payload filtering is now optional (Issue #7).
- 0.0.1 (May 12, 2015) First release.
Copyright (c) 2014-2017 Petr Gotthard Copyright (c) 2017 Pivotal Software, Inc.
This package is subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.