Games Saga DB developed using Javascript, React.js, Redux, Material-UI, node.js, json-server, axios, restful, Typescript.
- Download code
- Open project in any editor
- Run an 'npm install'
- Run 'npm install json-server --save' to install mock api response
- after that run 'mock_json_server_run.bat' script or run command 'json-server --watch src/db.json --port 4000'
- make sure src/db.json has some dummy api mock response
- Api mock will act like backend API server now need to run frontend client.
- Run 'npm run client' command in another terminal to run the React client Server
- after make sure that your 2 commands will be in running mode -1.mock server -2.frontend client
- Now open React app in browser to localhost:3000