Cloud Shell - w/ Editor - No console - (
Cloud Shell - No Editor - No Console - ( (shellonly=true)
Cloud Shell - No Editor - w/ Console
You can specify the branch with the cloudshell_git_branch
parameter as in
Each time you click the buttons above, the repo is cloned down to your cloud shell in a new numbered directory. If the repo name was demo, the first click would clone to ~/cloudshell_open/demo
the second click would download to ~/cloudshell_open/demo-1
Once downloaded, the shell is opened into that cloned folder. The second click would open the shell into ~/cloudshell_open/demo-1
When using directives in the turorials that reference files and path the system uses relative links based on the workspace
value. By default this value is set to your home directory ~
. You can set this in the button's url with the cloudshell_workspace
parameter. This will also set the IDE workspace to that directory. One additional note here is that this command is executed for you within the cloned repo folder.
Consider this link
With the previous link and assuming this is the third click of the button, when clicked the v123
branch of the repo will be downloaded to the ~/cloudshell_open/demo-2
directory. The shell will be opened into the ~/cloudshell_open/demo-2
directory. The IDE will be opened with the explorer root as ~/cloudshell_open/demo-2
and the tutorial will open the file at ~/cloudshell_open/demo-2/docs/
All images utilize absolute urls. While ideally you'd like to keep assets together, I've found serving them from firebase hosting to be the easiest model. Storing them in git is challenging during development, trying to pull the right versions when on a branch etc.