A quick hack to download webcasts for offline viewing.
$ python3 dl.py <ivle12 cookie here> --webcast "javascript:void(winopenprompt('../bank/media/viewmedia.aspx?MediaItemID=xxx&ChannelID=yyy','470','430','yes','yes'))"
$ python3 dl.py <ivle12 cookie here> --medialist "https://ivle.nus.edu.sg/media/multimedia.aspx?ChannelID=xxx&ClickFrom=Outline"
- Firefox
This is a hack. We don't handle errors.
- If you have Silverlight installed, the
tag won't be generated, and this script will fail. As a workaround, temporarily disable Silverlight. A better solution would be to initialize Selenium with a Firefox profile that has plugins disabled. Feel free to PR this.
Probably the fault of the webcast. (This is why you should actually attend lectures.)
Because IVLE's media server uses JavaScript to create the <video>