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add helm charts to the repo #1

add helm charts to the repo

add helm charts to the repo #1

Workflow file for this run

name: Test Chart
name: Run on Ubuntu
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Clone the code
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Setup Go
uses: actions/setup-go@v5
go-version-file: go.mod
- name: Install the latest version of kind
run: |
curl -Lo ./kind
chmod +x ./kind
sudo mv ./kind /usr/local/bin/kind
- name: Verify kind installation
run: kind version
- name: Create kind cluster
run: kind create cluster
- name: Prepare ceph-csi-operator
run: |
go mod tidy
make docker-build IMG=ceph-csi-operator:v0.1.0
kind load docker-image ceph-csi-operator:v0.1.0
- name: Install Helm
run: |
curl | bash
- name: Verify Helm installation
run: helm version
- name: Lint Helm Chart
run: |
helm lint ./dist/chart
# TODO: Uncomment if cert-manager is enabled
# - name: Install cert-manager via Helm
# run: |
# helm repo add jetstack
# helm repo update
# helm install cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager --namespace cert-manager --create-namespace --set installCRDs=true
# - name: Wait for cert-manager to be ready
# run: |
# kubectl wait --namespace cert-manager --for=condition=available --timeout=300s deployment/cert-manager
# kubectl wait --namespace cert-manager --for=condition=available --timeout=300s deployment/cert-manager-cainjector
# kubectl wait --namespace cert-manager --for=condition=available --timeout=300s deployment/cert-manager-webhook
# TODO: Uncomment if Prometheus is enabled
# - name: Install Prometheus Operator CRDs
# run: |
# helm repo add prometheus-community
# helm repo update
# helm install prometheus-crds prometheus-community/prometheus-operator-crds
# - name: Install Prometheus via Helm
# run: |
# helm repo add prometheus-community
# helm repo update
# helm install prometheus prometheus-community/prometheus --namespace monitoring --create-namespace
# - name: Wait for Prometheus to be ready
# run: |
# kubectl wait --namespace monitoring --for=condition=available --timeout=300s deployment/prometheus-server
- name: Install Helm chart for project
run: |
helm install my-release ./dist/chart --create-namespace --namespace ceph-csi-operator-system
- name: Check Helm release status
run: |
helm status my-release --namespace ceph-csi-operator-system
# TODO: Uncomment if prometheus.enabled is set to true to confirm that the ServiceMonitor gets created
# - name: Check Presence of ServiceMonitor
# run: |
# kubectl wait --namespace ceph-csi-operator-system --for=jsonpath='{.kind}'=ServiceMonitor servicemonitor/ceph-csi-operator-controller-manager-metrics-monitor