RPG gameplay distilled to its purest essence. Play the game.
- Run
npm start
- App is now available at http://localhost:3000 (note: app is served from
- Run
npm run build
- Rename
to./dist/mdc.[version number].js
- Rename
to./dist/css/style.[version number].css
- Update imports in
with the new file names - Update displayed version in
- Remove
and remove script tag for cheat.js in./dist/index.html
- Save
- Load
- Scale XP requirement per level
- Randomly generate monster with stats (appropriate for level)
- Make monsters take damage (and make player miss them sometimes)
- Add stats to gear, equip gear, augment player stats (damage)
- inventory UI
- open inventory
- close inventory
- navigate to sub-menus in inventory
- equip items
- unequip items
- deal weapon damage
- (bug) Games without stored data crash on trying to filter the inventory
- (bug) On mobile tapping attack causes the event to fire twice
- Make it display correctly on phones
- favicon
- (bug) Sometimes enemies are level 0
- (bug) Enemies are sometimes too high level for player level
- show enemy hp drain to 0 before spawning new
- Trash inventory items
- Make gear affect HP, Receive damage from monster when attacking
- calc damage savings from gear
- display HP
- roll enemy attack damage; miss chance
- apply damage to HP; display damage taken
- warn when close to dead
- new game menu
- die when hp is <= 0; you died menu
- continue after reloading
- Rename "HP" stat type to "Armor"
- disable attack button when dead
- Make leveling increase base HP; heal player when leveling up
- Open the game menu from mid-game; add continue button if game is in progress
- Equip items from slot menu (click "Head" -> see Head items -> equip one)
- Scale inventory items with progression
- add level to loot and factor into power
- roll high level loot less often
- display loot level in inventory
- Add new calculations for damage
- item stats
- Make miss chance an accuracy stat on damage items
- Make enemy miss chance a dodge stat on armor items
- show stats in inventory screens
- adjust stat scaling to match new calculator
- Character screen
- gp
- level
- hp
- xp + xp to next level
- accuracy rating
- damage rating
- dodge rating
- current location
- show location when enemy damage rate changes
- set location name
- set location description
- set location image
- open field image
- dark woods image
- ruined harbor image
- orc stronghold image
- reset wounds on new area
- indicate drops at inventory icon
- Store Menu
- merchant image
- Sell inventory items for GP
- Open from area menu
- Buy items with GP
- display items
- display item
- gen item for each slot; near level
- add to inv and subtract gp
- remove from store list
- Zugare (Death Orc)
- spawn @ level 60
- boss approaching dialog
- You Win UI after defeating w/ new game button
- add a link to the root site to the game menu
- (bug) equipment slot items are not links
- scale bottom of drops up when in new areas
- adjust damage formula
- ruined harbor too strong
- orc stronghold too strong
- trigger attack with spacebar
- sell from unequipped list
- show feedback when pressing buttons
- go to inventory from shop (to allow selling)
- always hit after 2 consecutive misses
- add width and height to all images
- defer css loading for custom font
- include meta description
- make toolbar list items valid html
- (bug) space bar triggers attack while in modals
- (bug) you will die before being healed by level up causing you to have HP but still get game over
- add permanent upgrades for purchase on death (roguelite ish)
- Drain: 1% life steal on hit
- check for drain in tick and apply based on damage done
- Nimble: +20 dodge
- add method for proc and always use to access
- Marksman: +20 accuracy
- add method for proc and always use to access
- Scavenger: increase chance to drop loot
- check in lootProc
- Refined: chance to drop higher quality loot
- check in lootProc
- Overpower: critical hit chance
- check in get damage
- different hit indicator
- Cleave: chance to strike twice
- check for buff in rollDamage (this should apply hit twice, including drain, etc.)
- different hit indicator
- Alchemist: gain health pot when you go to an area
- conditionally display heal pot
- track and display number of heals available
- disable heal pot when no heals available
- heal modal
- increment heal count on new area
- heal icon asset for navbar
- heal image asset for modal
- Drain: 1% life steal on hit
- upgrade UI
- display upgrades in character screen
- use game win modal as death modal
- display stats
- display equipment
- display upgrades
- buy upgrade on death
- only allow to buy one upgrade
- end and go back to title screen
- multi-char handling
- serialize character on save
- move upgrade hydration refs to character list
- start new character + set name
- delete character
- (bug) new game does not reset in-progress state
- continue existing character
- display name in character screen, main game screen
- only persist upgrades and heals on death (reset xp, hp, inv, etc.)
- add 'view character' from main menu
- (bug) 1. die 2. do not buy an upgrade 3. continue as char observe: game state is as it was when you died
- make the new update backwards compatible