This pipeline is interesting for annotation and parsing of large datasets, using this in protein sequence files obtained after the gene prediction.
This version accounts resources to allow annotation with:
- Before Installing:
Make sure that you have installed: HMMER; Diamond; Python && Biopython.
Before starting you also should download the last update of the databases above mentioned to a folder of your preference.
Then generates the diamond databases using the following command:
$ diamond makedb --in <database.fasta> -d <database.output>
- Installation:
After download the files, you should update the paths in the script file. Take attention to:
A. Substitute the paths of the databases pre-formatted in diamond database;
B. HMMER databases are ready to use, just update the paths
C. Download the program libraries from zenodo repository: Link
D. type this command:
$ tar -zxvf /path/to/ref_folder.tar.gz
E. add the ref_folder path to the script
F. add the pathway of to your main PATH
- Running:
$ <input_fasta_file> <output_folder> <threads>
H++ :: In case of threads number not be specified then the anno_pipe will use 4 threads.
System : Linux
Uses cutoff of 50% coverage, minimum score of 50, 45% of identity and 1e-5 in Diamond-Blastp approaches, while uses 60% coverage and 1e-5, with no domains overlapping for HMM profiles.
For more details look directly the sections parsing in the script. The original searching files are kept and allows a new parsing as desired by the user.
Author: Célio Dias Santos Júnior
Biotechonologist; Master in Molecular Biology and Genetics; PhD student in Bioinformatics
This software is released under GNU license, also following this distribution.