Python library for ocean wave spectra.
- SpecArray: extends xarray's DataArray with methods to manipulate wave spectra and calculate spectral statistics.
- SpecDataset: wrapper around SpecArray with methods for saving spectra in different formats.
The documentation is hosted on ReadTheDocs at
The source code is currently hosted on GitHub at:
Install requirements. Navigate to the base root of wavespectra and execute:
# Default install, miss some dependencies and functionality
pip install -r requirements/default.txt
# Also, for complete install
pip install -r requirements/extra.txt
# Also, for testing requirements
pip install -r requirements/test.txt
Then install wavespectra:
python install
# Run pytest integration
python test
Alternatively, to install in development mode:
pip install -e .
Currently there are some issues with the Fortran version of spectral partitioning in Windows systems. A workaround is described in: metocean/wavespectra#28 (comment)
The two main classes SpecArray and SpecDataset are defined as xarray accessors. The accessors are registered on xarray's DataArray and Dataset respectively as a new namespace called spec.
To use methods in the accessor classes simply import the classes into your code and they will be available to your xarray.Dataset or xarray.DataArray instances through the spec attribute, e.g.
import datetime
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from wavespectra.specarray import SpecArray
from wavespectra.specdataset import SpecDataset
coords = {'time': [datetime.datetime(2017,01,n+1) for n in range(2)],
'freq': [0.05,0.1],
'dir': np.arange(0,360,120)}
efth = xr.DataArray(data=np.random.rand(2,2,3),
dims=('time','freq', 'dir'),
In [1]: efth
<xarray.DataArray (time: 2, freq: 2, dir: 3)>
array([[[ 0.100607, 0.328229, 0.332708],
[ 0.532 , 0.665938, 0.177731]],
[[ 0.469371, 0.002963, 0.627179],
[ 0.004523, 0.682717, 0.09766 ]]])
* freq (freq) float64 0.05 0.1
* dir (dir) int64 0 120 240
* time (time) datetime64[ns] 2017-01-01 2017-01-02
In [2]: efth.spec
<SpecArray (time: 2, freq: 2, dir: 3)>
array([[[ 0.100607, 0.328229, 0.332708],
[ 0.532 , 0.665938, 0.177731]],
[[ 0.469371, 0.002963, 0.627179],
[ 0.004523, 0.682717, 0.09766 ]]])
* freq (freq) float64 0.05 0.1
* dir (dir) int64 0 120 240
* time (time) datetime64[ns] 2017-01-01 2017-01-02
In [3]: efth.spec.hs()
<xarray.DataArray 'hs' (time: 2)>
array([ 10.128485, 9.510618])
* time (time) datetime64[ns] 2017-01-01 2017-01-02
standard_name: sea_surface_wave_significant_height
units: m
SpecDataset provides a wrapper around the methods in SpecArray. For instance, these produce same result:
In [4]: dset = efth.to_dataset(name='efth')
In [5]: tm01 = dset.spec.tm01()
In [6]: tm01.identical(dset.efth.spec.tm01())
Out[6]: True
- wave frequency coordinate in Hz named as freq (required).
- wave direction coordinate in degree (coming from) named as dir (optional for 1D, required for 2D spectra).
- wave energy density data in m2/Hz/degree (2D) or m2/Hz (1D) named as efth
SpecDataset methods require xarray's Dataset to have the following attributes:
- spectra DataArray named as efth, complying with the above specifications
Define and plot spectra history from example SWAN spectra file:
from wavespectra import read_swan
dset = read_swan('/source/wavespectra/tests/sample_files/swanfile.spec')
spec_hist = dset.isel(lat=0, lon=0).sel(freq=slice(0.05,0.2)).spec.oned().T