This repository includes the source code for my MSc thesis named: Video summarization leveraging Contrastive Learning.
We use the preprocessed datasets provided by:
We fetch the input features for the video frames and the ground truth scores from the preprocessed datasets.
These datasets are HDF5 files structured in the following way:
/features 2D-array with shape (n_steps, feature-dimension)
/gtscore 1D-array with shape (n_steps), stores ground truth improtance score (used for training, e.g. regression loss)
/user_summary 2D-array with shape (num_users, n_frames), each row is a binary vector (used for test)
/change_points 2D-array with shape (num_segments, 2), each row stores indices of a segment
/n_frame_per_seg 1D-array with shape (num_segments), indicates number of frames in each segment
/n_frames number of frames in original video
/picks posotions of subsampled frames in original video
/n_steps number of subsampled frames
/gtsummary 1D-array with shape (n_steps), ground truth summary provided by user (used for training, e.g. maximum likelihood)
/video_name (optional) original video name, only available for SumMe dataset
Note: OVP and YouTube only contain the first three keys, i.e. ['features', 'gtscore', 'gtsummary']
In addition to this, we utilize the data splitfiles provided by:
These files are used for n-fold cross validation, and are structured in the following way:
"test_keys": [
"train_keys": [