Thanks to the wonderful swagger-snippet module you can now simply enrich your OpenAPI schema with code samples. It's as easy as 1.2.3.
npm install snippet-enricher-cli
./node_modules/.bin/snippet-enricher-cli --input=your_oas.json
Enrich your OAS 3.0 Schema
./node_modules/.bin/snippet-enricher-cli --input=openapi.json > openapi-with-examples.json
Alternatively you can point it to a YAML-formatted spec:
curl --output petstore.yaml
./node_modules/.bin/snippet-enricher-cli --input=petstore.yaml > openapi-with-examples.json
Use targets options to specific languages:
./node_modules/.bin/snippet-enricher-cli --targets="node_request,shell_curl" --input=openapi.json > openapi-with-examples.json
Use ReDoc to build beautiful API doc:
redoc-cli bundle openapi-with-examples.json
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