Using Elventy + Netlify CMS + Netlify. Mostly copied (and stripped down) from the Eleventy-Netlify-Boilerplate
Features the [}](Web Experience Toolkit (WET))
Clicking the button above will deploy a copy of the demo website to your Netlify account (you can create an account during this process if you don't have one) and everything needed for running the CMS:
- A new repository in your GitHub account with the code
- Full Continuous Deployment to Netlify's global CDN network
- Control users and access with Netlify Identity
- Manage content with Netlify CMS
- Process form data with Netlify Forms
After deploying this project, Netlify Identity will add you as a CMS user and will email you an invite. It is not necessary to accept this invite if you wish to use an OAuth provider (e.g. Github) to manage authentication for your CMS. It is recommended to use this method of authentication as it removes the need for an email & password to log in to the CMS and is generally more secure. You will need to add an OAuth provider in your Netlify app settings under "Settings" > "Identity" > "External providers".
Once you've added an OAuth provider, navigate to /admin
on your site, select your provider from the
list, and you should then be logged into your CMS. Cool huh?
Now you're all set, and you can start editing content!
If you change the repo that was created at deploy time from public to private, you'll need to regenerate your token, as the token generated using the deploy to Netlify button can only access public repositories. To regenerate your token, head to "Settings" in your Netlify site dashboard, go to the "Identity" section, then scroll to "Services" where you'll see an "Edit settings" button. Click that and you'll see a text link to "Generate access token in GitHub".
If you need any help with setting up Netlify CMS, you can reach out to the Netlify team in the Netlify CMS Gitter.
git clone my-blog-name
cd my-blog-name
Specifically have a look at .eleventy.js
to see if you want to configure any Eleventy options differently.
npm install @11ty/eleventy
This file contains your site title and author details, and can be used to store any other commonly used site data.
npx @11ty/eleventy
Or build automatically when a template changes:
npx @11ty/eleventy --watch
Or in debug mode:
DEBUG=* npx @11ty/eleventy