- We welcome all contributions from the community, and ask that behavior and interactions follow the LSST-DESC code of conduct: http://lsst-desc.org/sites/default/files/DESCProfessionalConductPolicies-2.pdf
- Alex Malz has put together a sketched out workflow for contributing to this repository: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1UfrGJe2C-H9JVH6Gn2pklfbztF1tc7W4bVVMNszziiY/edit?usp=sharing
- If you would like to be added as a collaborator, please contact one of the current admins (Camille Avestruz: avestruz@uchicago.edu, Alex Malz: aimalz@nyu.edu)
python setup.py develop
Currently, to use the Diemer+Kravtsov M-c relationship, CLMassMod also requires a separate installation of Benedikt Diemer's code, colossus: https://bitbucket.org/bdiemer/colossus
A galaxy cluster weak-lensing mass modeling and verification code
This repository documents the work done within the SPT-WL working group and the LSST DESC Clusters working group to measure how weak lensing mass estimates relate to the true 3D mass of a cluster. The work focuses on emulating actual observations and mimicing procedures used by weak lensing observers. Mock observations are based on simulated lensing maps from n-body simulations.
Create a template for an ideal "config file" that the general user could modify
Map out modules for the code (e.g. readers, observing strategies, M-c relations, (mis-)centering options and implementations, model profile to fit for mass (NFW, Diemer+, etc.), etc.
Figure out how/where we can integrate with CCL and Tom M.'s cluster_toolkit package: https://github.com/tmcclintock/cluster_toolkit
Map out steps to integrate SPHINX for documentation (Note - this should be done in parallel with refactoring): http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/contents.html
Assign a list of mini-tasks so anyone can jump in
Outline the process to jump in (submit an issue, reach out to "developers" involved for help, fork the repo, create a branch, make changes, merge into dev, etc.)
1.) Experiment with jointly fitting individual cluster shear profiles (Mass, concentration, miscentering, 2-halo amplitude) jointly as a population, ie a hierarchical model. Similar to Lieu et al 2017, but we want to fit more parameters per cluster and fit an order of magnitude more clusters simultaneously. From a statistics & computation standpoint, can we sample O(2k) parameters with an MCMC engine, perhaps by taking advantage of the hierarchical structure of the problem?
2.) Daisuke Nagai & Erwin Lau, Nick Battaglia, and Stefan Hilbert & the Magneticum team have offered lensing maps produced from hydro simulations for analysis. Each simulation needs a reader that will bring the lensing information to a common format for CLMASSMOD use. We need to write that wrapper. We might also need to write an algorithm that coverts 2D mass maps to shear maps.