Oops, I guess, it just happened. It become hard for me to support this utility any longer. It was a very long road, but in the end, I should be honest with my self: I'm not interested in downloading pictures any more, and it gets harder for me to come back to this project with each time. I'm sorry if it disappoints whoever still uses it!
I didn't do any hardcoding updates in a very long time. All one needs to update/make it's own script is in "resources" folder. You're welcome to try and do something yourself, but syntax is selfmade and I didn't make any doc on it, sorry.
Former name is Graber 2 "Nekopaw"
It's Win32 utility with a visual interface for saving images from any galleries (like standart *booru, devintart, pixiv and other). Program based on script-files with algorithms to access needed resources.
Currently is an alpha test (and no one knows, when it'll become a beta).
Update log you can see in versionlog.txt (in the nekopaw directory).
How to install:
Download an archive
Copy and extract it to a directory, where you want Nekopaw Grabber to be installed. Execute NPUpdater.exe. Done.
✓ download pictures from listed resources (scripts stored in "resources" directory);
✓ tab system, on every tab it's own list;
✓ creation of custom lists with multiple resources at the same time (even the same resources with diffirent options);
✓ the simultaneous gathering of lists from multiple sources, simultaneously downloading from several pages;
✓ looking for duplicates by parameters, gathered from resources, before download a picture;
✓ feature to make custom file names using gathered parameters and built-in variables;
search block
allthefallen.org anime-pictures.net behoimi.org blogspot.com comicartcommunity.com cosplay.paheal.net derpiboo.ru deviantart.com donmai.us e621.net e-shuushuu.net exhentai.org furaffinity.net gelbooru.com hentai-foundry.com e-hentai.org konachan.com mangahere.com mgbooru.net minitokyo.net nabyn.com nhentai.net nihonomaru.com pixiv.net rmart.org rule34.paheal.net rule34.xxx rule34hentai.net safebooru.org sankakucomplex.com seiga.nicovideo.jp tbib.org tentaclerape.net thedoujin.com twentypercentcooler.net wildcritters.net wildcritters.ws xbooru.com yande.re zerochan.net