Template repository for getting started quickly with Catapulta.sh and Hardhat projects.
This template uses Scaffold-ETH 2.
Before you begin, you need to install the following tools:
- Node (v18 LTS)
- Yarn (v1 or v2+)
- Git
- Clone this repo & install dependencies
git clone https://github.com/catapulta-sh/catapulta-hardhat-template
cd catapulta-hardhat-template
yarn install
- Generate a new private key with Catapulta, is stored offline in your .env, or add your own as
in the .env file stored at the root of the project
cd packages/hardhat
npx catapulta wallet
# Output:
# Wallet address: 0x6B193d5604e09f1737E33cFc4B06fb3f2C7fC3CE
# Private key appended to your .env file.
Get funds for your Ethereum address at the Alchemy Sepolia faucet
Setup your
into your .env from, generate one for free at Catapulta dashboard -
Deploy the contract into Sepolia testnet with Catapulta
catapulta deploy --network sepolia
Catapulta.sh 🏏 Hardhat deployment (0.1.36)
Project name: Ghost Deployments
Project URL: https://catapulta.sh/project/64e6272a59b37a3a4a7afb55
Deployment UUID: 6c7f65cb-52e0-459e-9b58-a5b3d5f296f2
📀 Building artifacts...
🗜 Compressing artifacts...
📤 Uploading artifacts to the Catapulta DB...
✅ Artifacts uploaded successfully.
📡 Broadcasting deployments to Catapulta Gateway RPC:
📜 Running Hardhat script: yarn run hardhat --network catapulta-6c7f65c2-52e0-459e-9b58-a5b3d5f296f2 deploy
deploying "YourContract"
(tx: 0x9f4532ec9c34fed74d8295d0991d9935be194e582616a0660b6c51154204bf88)...
: deployed at 0xF31540a002a49bda9963caAcCeF3e25d0a09810e with 534015 gas
📝 Updated TypeScript contract definition file on ../nextjs/generated/deployedContracts.ts
✅ Deployment successfully broadcasted
- Etherscan verification request sent. Check the dashboard for keeping track verifications. If contracts are not verified in 10 minutes, contact support at Discord.
💾 Artifacts stored at:
- https://users-artifacts.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/6c7f65cb-52e0-459e-9b52-a5b3d5f296f2-deployment-artifacts/artifacts.zip
📸 Check your deployment report at:
- https://catapulta.sh/project/64e6272a59b37a3a4a7afb55/op/6c7f25cb-52e0-459e-9b58-a5b3d5f296f2
- Check the deployment report at the Catapulta UI, and enjoy delegated Etherscan verification without any extra configs or Etherscan API keys.
To get started with Scaffold-ETH 2, follow the steps below:
- Clone this repo & install dependencies
git clone https://github.com/scaffold-eth/scaffold-eth-2.git
cd scaffold-eth-2
yarn install
- Run a local network in the first terminal:
yarn chain
This command starts a local Ethereum network using Hardhat. The network runs on your local machine and can be used for testing and development. You can customize the network configuration in hardhat.config.ts
- On a second terminal, deploy the test contract:
yarn deploy
This command deploys a test smart contract to the local network. The contract is located in packages/hardhat/contracts
and can be modified to suit your needs. The yarn deploy
command uses the deploy script located in packages/hardhat/deploy
to deploy the contract to the network. You can also customize the deploy script.
- On a third terminal, start your NextJS app:
yarn start
Visit your app on: http://localhost:3000
. You can interact with your smart contract using the contract component or the example ui in the frontend. You can tweak the app config in packages/nextjs/scaffold.config.ts
Run smart contract test with yarn hardhat:test
- Edit your smart contract
- Edit your frontend in
- Edit your deployment scripts in
Visit our docs to learn how to start building with Scaffold-ETH 2.
To know more about its features, check out our website.
We welcome contributions to Scaffold-ETH 2!
Please see CONTRIBUTING.MD for more information and guidelines for contributing to Scaffold-ETH 2.