A class based implementation of Django's gettext functions
A RiotJS implemetation of Django's gettext functions
This project is a modern implemetation of gettext function ({n,p}gettext) as an ES6 class and (optionally) a RiotJS 5 tag. It's set up as a Django project and the intention is to interface it with Rosetta.
In webpack, you should alias 'Gettext' to the src path of this repo
resolve: {
alias: {
Gettext: path.resolve(__dirname, "gettext_utils/src"),
The core of this project is the Catalog
class. This contains js code adapted from the Django Project's js cataloguing code to generate translation strings with optionally plural forms and/or context markers.
To use as an ES6 class, import it into your component and instantiate with a list of strings. This example catalog demonstrates possible formats for strings in the catalog. It's intended to be broadly compatible with Django's javascript catalog generator.
import Catalog from "Gettext/js/catalog";
const tet = new Catalog({
'Activity': 'Actividade',
'Project': 'Projetu',
'verb\x04may': 'bele',
'month\x04may': 'maiu',
'animal\x04Elephant': 'Amimal abu-abu neebe boot',
'There is one activity': ['Iha atividade ida', 'Iha atividade barak'],
'foo\x04There is one activity': ['Iha foo ida', 'Iha foo barak'],
'bar\x04There is one activity': ['Iha bar ida', 'Iha bar barak'],
'There is %(total)s object. Remaining: %(count)s': ['Iha %(total)s objetu. Restu mak: %(count)s', 'Iha %(total)s objetu sira. Restu mak: %(count)s'],
'I caught %s pocket monster!. Remaining: %s': ["Hau kaer %s pokemon deit!. Sei livre: %s", "Hau kaer %s pokemon! Sei livre: %s"]
The catalog class above exposes a public method, "translate". This takes a number of parameters in order of approximately most important to least important. It also has public methods with the same sig as Django's implemetation for five additional functions:
- gettext
- ngettext
- pgettext
- npgettext
- interpolate
The simplest example of a complete Riot tag is as follows:
<trans-late catalog="{ state.catalog }" msgid="Project"/>
import TransLate from "Gettext/tags/trans_late.riot";
import Catalog from "Gettext/js/catalog";
export default {
components: {
onBeforeMount(props, state) {
state.catalog = new Catalog({
'Project': 'Projetu',
Note that the equivalent could be achieved using the Catalog class only:
{ state.catalog.gettext("Project") }
import TransLate from "Gettext/tags/trans_late.riot";
import Catalog from "Gettext/js/catalog";
const tet = new Catalog({
'Project': 'Projetu',
This method allows to replace text in othet situations, such as within tag attributes.
Riot can also turn any "normal" html tag into a riot tag using "is". An example:
<h2 is="trans-late" catalog="{ state.catalog }" msgid="General">General</h2>
which is about equal to
<h2><trans-late catalog="{ state.catalog }" msgid="General"/>General</h2>
To write translations, this module currently uses an intermediate Python file listing the required translations
Step 1: Write to python
./manage.py riot_py
Step 2: Makemessages for your locales
./manage.py makemessages gettext_utils --locale en
./manage.py makemessages gettext_utils --locale my
(Repeat for the language codes relevant to your project)
Step 3: Rosetta compile as per usual