Built with :
This software use the library Asynq and PGX.
You need a Redis instance / cluster / sentinel HA to enqueue tasks.
Docker local instance example :
docker run --name redis -p -d redis
You need a Postgresql instance to store the data generated by the software.
Docker local instance example :
docker run --name some-postgres -p -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword -e POSTGRES_DB=casperparser -d postgres
See Documentation
You need a single client to push the existing blocks and listen to the blockchain for new blocks.
You need at least a worker to process the events pushed by the client.
The software is highly scalable, if you have enough resources spawn more workers to process the events quicker.
Tested on a kubernetes cluster with a single postgres instance and single redis instance the CasperParser can parse the full testnet under an hour (8m+ events) with 35 workers.
The software will directly apply the migration but if you want you can use the migrate cli to apply the migration to the database :
make run_migrate
There's a web UI for the lib Asynq called Asynqmon.
docker run --rm --name asynqmon -p -d hibiken/asynqmon
Or you can install the asynq lib locally because it's also a CLI that provide a dashboard to monitor your queues :
go install github.com/hibiken/asynq/tools/asynq
And then run asynq :
And then finally if you want to setup a REST API with the data generated with this parser you can use Postgrest.
docker run --rm --net=host -p 3000:3000 \
-e PGRST_DB_URI="postgres://postgres@localhost/postgres" \
-e PGRST_DB_SCHEMAS="casperparser" \
-e PGRST_DB_ANON_ROLE="postgres" \
Here's the database Schema.
- Accounts : Hold the public key / account-hash & main purse of all accounts
- Bids : Hold the bids of all validators
- Delegators : Hold all delegators
- Blocks : Hold all the blocks, a block is tied to a raw block
- Raw blocks : Hash of the block and the data retrieve from the RPC
- Deploys : Hold all deploys, tied to a raw deploy and a block
- Raw deploys : Hash of the deploy and the data retrieve from the RPC
- Rewards : Rewards of an era, tied to a block
- Contract packages : Hold all contract packages, tied to a deploy (null for system contracts)
- Contracts : Hold all contracts, tied to a deploy and a package
- Contract Named Keys : Tied to a contract and a named keys
- Named keys : Hold all named keys with their initial value or updated if reparsed since the first parse
- Purses : Hold all purses and their balances
- Mouvements : stats for different types of CSPR mouvements (transfer/staking)
- Full stats : stats for the different types of deploys
- Allowance : All allowance for erc20 token holders
- Simple stats : Number of deploys per day
- Total staking : Staking balance per public key
- Total rewards : Rewards per public key
- Stakers : Number of stakers
- Rich list : List of the richest accounts
- Contract list : simplified list of contracts
make build
This will produce a single binary at the project root folder.
In order to run correctly the tests locally you need to have a .env file and a .casperParser.yaml file.
You can use those provided as an example and replace the different values needed.
CASPER_PARSER_REDIS= //Redis single instance connection string
CASPER_PARSER_RPC= //Node rpc endpoint
CASPER_PARSER_DATABASE=postgres://postgres:myPassword@localhost:5432/gotest //DB Connexion string
CASPER_PARSER_EVENT= //Node events endpoint
make coverage
This will run the tests and open a webpage with the coverage results.
The code is documented like all the commands of the CLI.
Simply use the CLI with the flag --help
to display the user documentation.
For the project documentation if you want to have a web page with a standard godoc documentation install godoc :
go install golang.org/x/tools/cmd/godoc
And then run godoc :
godoc -http=:6060
You can now access the documentation at http://localhost:6060/
You can also auto generate the documentation for the commands of the cli with :
go run doc/doc.go
No api endpoint are available with this software.
You can configure the CLI by either the config file, env variables or flags. Or a combination of those three options. The CLI flags will override the env variables keys, and the env variables will override the config file keys.
export $(grep -v '^#' .env | xargs)
rpc: "node_url_rpc_endpoint" (Provide your node RPC endpoint)
database: "postgres://postgres:myPassword@localhost:5432/casperparser" (Provide your database connexion string, prefer the env variable for that)
redis: "" (Redis single instance address)
cluster: ["REDIS_INSTANCE_URL1", "REDIS_INSTANCE_URL2"] (Will override the redis key and use the cluster key instead for an HA Redis)
sentinel: ["REDIS_SENTINEL_URL1", "REDIS_SENTINEL_URL2"] (Will override the redis and cluster key and use the sentinel key instead for a HA/Failover Redis)
master: "master_redis_sentinel_name" (Required when the sentinel key is used, default value : mymaster)
concurrency: 100 //Number of concurrent workers that will be spwaned with the worker command
erc20: # Name of the contract type
- name: "entrypoint_name" # Entrypoint name
args: [ "arg1", "arg2", "arg3" ] # Args of the entrypoint
namedkeys: [ "nameKey1", "nameKey2", "nameKey3" ] #Named keys of the contract
[deployName]: (Will be used as the metadata_type in the db)
strictArgs: [true/false - Will check the exact number of args]
args: ["arg1", "arg2"] (Array of string containing the args name to find)
CASPER_PARSER_REDIS= //(Redis single instance address)
CASPER_PARSER_RPC=http://localhost:8080/rpc //(Provide your node RPC endpoint)
CASPER_PARSER_DATABASE=postgres://postgres:myPassword@localhost:5432/casperparser //Provide your database connexion string
CASPER_PARSER_CLUSTER=REDIS_INSTANCE_URL1,REDIS_INSTANCE_URL2 //(Will override the redis key and use the cluster key instead for an HA Redis)
CASPER_PARSER_SENTINEL=REDIS_SENTINEL_URL1,REDIS_SENTINEL_URL2 //(Will override the redis and cluster key and use the sentinel key instead for a HA/Failover Redis)
CASPER_PARSER_MASTER=60 //(Required when the sentinel key is used, default value : mymaster)
CASPER_PARSER_CONCURRENCY=100 //Number of concurrent workers that will be spwaned with the worker command
docker build .
Warning: The current kubernetes files are specific to my kubenertes architecture. It's basically an example how to use CasperHolders on Kubernetes.
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/(testnet|mainnet)/