Simple api to get the current APY / Validators info & metadata (from the account info standard) / manage multi-sig deploys.
Find the full swagger by launching the api.
The api is available on port :3000 by default.
The api doc is available at http://localhost:3001/api-docs by default.
Endpoint | /apy/current |
Method | GET |
Description | Return the current APY on the network. |
Endpoint | /apy/supply |
Method | GET |
Description | Return the current supply of the network. |
Endpoint | /deploys/:hash |
Method | GET |
Description | Return a previously inserted deploy |
Endpoint | /deploys/ |
Method | POST |
Description | Insert a deploy in the database |
Body | Can be obtained by using the DeployUtil.deployToJson method from the casper js sdk. { deploy: {...}} |
Endpoint | /validators/accountinfos |
Method | GET |
Description | Return an array of validator enhanced with data from the account infos smart contract |
The api docs and the bull dashboard are exposed on a different port than the api, by default 3001.
Allowing you to choose to expose it or not with network rules.
Endpoint | /api-docs |
Method | GET |
Description | Swagger ui to test easily the api |
Endpoint | /admin/queues |
Method | GET |
Description | Bull dashboard. Used to manage the queues & job of the application. |
CASPER_RPC_URL=[Full url to node RPC endpoint. Should include :7777/rpc]
ORIGIN=[List of url separated by comma to allow in the CORS Header]
DATA_API=[Url of an instance of postgrest in front of your database constructed by the CasperParser software. This is optionnal, the software will fallback to a manual discovery instead]
NODE_ENV=production // Optionnal, will disable the swagger in production
NETWORK=[Chain network name. Testnet ex : casper-test]
ACCOUNT_INFO_HASH=[Account info smart contract hash. Testnet ex : 2f36a35edcbaabe17aba805e3fae42699a2bb80c2e0c15189756fdc4895356f8]
ACCOUNT_INFO_PACKAGE=[Account info smart contract package hash. Testnet ex : b37227b83822aba42c72e9ee441e681f102929d608c7acf28d4bc2024dca0215]
REDIS_HOST=[Redis hostname. Used for bull queues]
REDIS_PORT=[Redis port]
DASHBOARD_PORT=[Bull dashboard & api docs port]
PORT=[API port]
DISABLE_REDIS=[Optionnal, if set to true will disable bull / bull dashboard and the queue + job that clean the database periodically]
The software works with a postgresql database and Redis. The tests are run with a sqllite in memory database.
We recommend you to use a postgresql database with this software. We won't officially support other types of databases.
Exemple to run a local postgres db :
sudo docker run --name some-postgres -p -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword -e POSTGRES_DB=api -d postgres
The different .env file are here only for example. When you run the project locally it will use the .env file and the
database config file located at config/config.json
View the documentation for sequelize config file here.
If the file is not present the software will try to use the environnement variables to connect to the database with the
default env key : DATABASE_URL
When you launch the software it will run all migrations automatically.
Exemple to run a local redis instance :
sudo docker run --name redis -p -d redis
Redis is used to clean the database every hour with a Bull queue & job.
This is optional, you can disable this behavior by setting this env variable : DISABLE_REDIS=true
- Docker or local postgres instance and an optional redis instance too.
- Node LTS
- yarn
yarn install
sudo docker run --name some-postgres -p -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword -e POSTGRES_DB=api -d postgres
sudo docker run --name redis -p -d redis
yarn start
yarn testnet
yarn mainnet
yarn generateSwagger
yarn test
docker build .
Warning: The current kubernetes files are specific to my kubenertes architecture. It's basically an example how to use CasperHolders API on Kubernetes.
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/(testnet|mainnet)/