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Using the C API with WebAssembly

Eduardo Bart edited this page Jan 23, 2025 · 3 revisions

How to compile for WASM

The Cartesi machine emulator library can be compiled for WASM and used in the frontend of web applications. Here we will guide step-by-step on how to do this.

1. Prerequisites

First make sure you have:

  • Git, wget, and other build utilities.
  • Emscripten toolchain installed and ready for use

You can install them on Ubuntu with:

apt-get install --no-install-recommends ca-certificates git wget build-essential emscripten lua5.4

If you are not downloading add-generated-files.diff files for your Emulator release, you will need Docker to build them.

2. Clone:

# clone a stable branch of the emulator
git clone --branch v0.19.0
cd machine-emulator

# patch the sources with required generated files (you can skip this step if you have Docker)
git apply add-generated-files.diff

# bundle dependencies
make bundle-boost

3. Compile libcartesi.a

make CC=emcc CXX=em++ AR="emar rcs" slirp=no libcartesi.a

4. Generate a WASM package

make EMU_TO_LIB_A=src/libcartesi.a DESTDIR=wasm-pkg install-headers install-static-libs

Now you should have a directory with all required files in wasm-pkg for building C applications targeting WASM with the Emscripten toolchain:

$ tree wasm-pkg
└── usr
    ├── include
    │   └── cartesi-machine
    │       ├── jsonrpc-machine-c-api.h
    │       ├── machine-c-api.h
    │       ├── machine-c-version.h
    └── lib
        └── libcartesi.a

You should use libcartesi.a to link to your WASM application, and the cartesi-machine/machine-c-api.h header for using the cartesi machine C API.


Create a test.c file with the following contents:

#include <cartesi-machine/machine-c-api.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main() {
  // Set machine configuration
  const char *config = "{\
    \"dtb\": {\
      \"entrypoint\": \"uname -a; echo Hello from inside!\"\
    \"flash_drive\": [\
      {\"image_filename\": \"rootfs.ext2\"}\
    \"ram\": {\
      \"length\": 134217728,\
      \"image_filename\": \"linux.bin\"\

  // Create a new machine
  cm_machine *machine = NULL;
  if (cm_create_new(config, NULL, &machine) != CM_ERROR_OK) {
    printf("failed to create machine: %s\n", cm_get_last_error_message());
    return 1;

  // Run the machine
  cm_break_reason break_reason;
  if (cm_run(machine, CM_MCYCLE_MAX, &break_reason) != CM_ERROR_OK) {
    printf("failed to run machine: %s\n", cm_get_last_error_message());
    return 1;

  // Print reason for run interruption
  switch (break_reason) {
      printf("Yielded manually\n");
      printf("Yielded automatically\n");
      printf("Yielded softly\n");
      printf("Reached target machine cycle\n");
      printf("Interpreter failed\n");

  // Read and print machine cycles
  uint64_t mcycle;
  if (cm_read_reg(machine, CM_REG_MCYCLE, &mcycle) != CM_ERROR_OK) {
    printf("failed to read machine cycle: %s\n", cm_get_last_error_message());
    return 1;
  printf("Cycles: %lu\n", mcycle);

  // Cleanup and exit
  return 0;

Before compiling, make sure you have linux.bin and rootfs.ext2 files available, these files will be used to boot the machine. You can download them with:

wget -O rootfs.ext2
wget -O linux.bin

Now you can compile with:

emcc test.c -o test.html \
    -O3 \
    -I./wasm-pkg/usr/include -L./wasm-pkg/usr/lib -lcartesi \
    --embed-file linux.bin@linux.bin \
    --embed-file rootfs.ext2@rootfs.ext2 \
    -sSTACK_SIZE=4MB \
    -sTOTAL_MEMORY=512MB \

The files test.html, test.js and test.wasm will be compiled, and be ready for testing in a web application:

ls -la test.*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 bart bart 155M Jan 23 15:10 test.wasm
-rw-r--r-- 1 bart bart  85K Jan 23 15:10 test.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 bart bart  20K Jan 23 15:10 test.html
-rw-r--r-- 1 bart bart 1.9K Jan 23 15:10 test.c

You can quickly test in your browser with emrun tool, which is a very simple HTTP server:

emrun test.html

If everything works, a page will open in your web browser, and after a few seconds the machine will boot with a message like:

Linux localhost.localdomain 6.5.13-ctsi-1 #1 Mon, 15 Apr 2024 15:09:27 +0000 riscv64 riscv64 riscv64 GNU/Linux
Hello from inside!
Cycles: 57163710

Here is a screenshot:


Compile options

When compiling with emcc a few options were used, here is the reason for each one:

  • -O3 optimizes the build. It's recommended to always generate optimized builds for WASM, otherwise the WASM file will be too big and slow, some browsers may even fail to load.
  • -I./wasm-pkg/usr/include -L./wasm-pkg/usr/lib -lcartesi exposes the libcartesi headers and library for linking.
  • --embed-file options will bundle kernel and rootfs files used by the machine.
  • -sSTACK_SIZE=4MB is mandatory, otherwise the "stack size" will be too small for running the emulator.
  • -sTOTAL_MEMORY=512MB is mandatory, otherwise WASM memory will be too small for running the machine, this can be adjusted though depending on the size of kernel, rootfs and machine memory.
  • -sNO_DISABLE_EXCEPTION_CATCHING helps on giving tracebacks for any error in case of any.

Machine interoperability with HTML5

All this is only useful if you can interact with environment inside the machine in the HTML5 page, but how can you do with?

You can pass messages between the C code and anything running inside the emulator with the CMIO device. By yielding from inside the machine cm_run will break, and you can read/write to CMIO buffers to exchange messages, check the official IO example on how to do this.

Once your messages are in the C code, you can propagate to javascript and HTML5 web page, please check Emscripten documentation on how to call between C and JavaScript code.