pel : a pixel canvas art editor written in Go
$ git clone
$ cd pel
$ go run -v ./pel
click the File menu on the top left
click New
enter dimensions for height & width
click Ok
to zoom:
use the scroll wheel on your mouse within the canvas image
to move the canvas:
click the scroll wheel on your mouse & hold to move the canvas image where you want within the canvas area
to add color to swatch:
- use the color picker slider to pick a color withing the RGBA range, from there use your mouse to select a shade
- after you have selected the shade, click an empty swatch panel at the bottom of the screen
- the selected swatch will now populate with the shade you selected
to add color to the canvas: with the color picker:
- use the color picker slider to pick a color withing the RGBA range, from there use your mouse to select a shade
- after you have selected the shade, click the canvas & your color will populate in the pixel cursor!
with your swatch:
- click the swatch with the selected color
- click the canvas & your color will populate in the pixel cursor!
to save:
- click the menu on the top left
- click Save
to save-as
- click on the menu on the top left
- click Save As
- enter a name for your file
- click Ok