Compile your first custom recovery via Github Actions - with ldcheck setup. This workflow supports both TWRP and PBRP, you can use it with other custom recovery as well, but you have to modify the yaml config yourself.
Fork this repository.
Go to
tab >All workflows
> Pick which Build you need (TWRP or PBRP
) >Run workflow
, then pick required information from each drop-down list:
- Manifest Branch (*12.1, *11.0, etc.)
- Device Tree (Your device tree repository link)
- Device Tree Branch (Your device tree repository branch)
- Device Name (Your device codename)
- Device Path (device/brand/codename)
- Build Target (boot, reecovery, vendorboot)
- LDCHECK (path to your target binary file, ie.
)- If you are building manually/locally and you want to use ldcheck for checking dependencies, visit THIS this for guide.
- Initially, this workflow only supports up to 4 branches for manifest 9.0 to 12.1, if you build below 9.0, add it yourself.
- And to all Contributors in every repositories and scripts I used.