This is a demonstration of a simple web-app which can be used for planning shifts.
- Master branch contains Java EE 8 project, Docker descriptor file and a script which can easily build and deploy the app on glassfish 5 docker.
- spring-boot branch is branched out from master and with very few changes transformed to Spring Boot project which can be easily built and run as a jar file.
Running demo
Run released jar
1. Download JAR from one of the releases
2. java -jar shiftplanner-0.9.0.jar
3. Open browser: http://localhost:8092
Build and run spring boot jar
1. Clone repo: `git clone`
2. Checkout right branch: `git checkout spring-boot`
3. Pull all submodules: `git submodule init` `git submodule update`
4. Build all together: `mvn install`
5. Run: `java -jar shiftplanner/target/shiftplanner.jar`
6. Open browser: http://localhost:8092
Build and run Java EE 8 version on glassfish 5 docker
1. Prerequisites: installed java 8 jdk, maven & docker
2. Clone repo: `git clone`
3. run bash script `/`
4. open browser http://localhost:8080