It is now maintained at
The RPC Package defines a generic interprocess communication (remote procedure call) programming model. The main header to include is:
#include <rpc_pkg.h>
One of the basic prerequisites for creating a set of independent tools is the possibility to let the tools communicate with each other. A common way of handling communication between different processes may be provided by an extensible RPC mechanism.
Starting from ADTF 3.1 the RPC package uses libjsoncpp and libjson-rpc-cpp to perform the heavy lifting of handling remote calls. These libraries are integrated into this library, so there is no need for them to be installed on your system seperately. For additional documentation on stubs and json take a look at [] .
First start with defining you interface via a .json file, in this case a simple calculator
"name": "Add",
"params": {
"nValue1": 1,
"nValue2": 1
"returns": 1
"name": "Subtract",
"params": {
"nValue1": 1,
"nValue2": 1
"returns": 1
"name": "Multiply",
"params": {
"nValue1": 1,
"nValue2": 1
"returns": 1
"name": "Divide",
"params": {
"nValue1": 1,
"nValue2": 1
"returns": 1
To generate the neccessary stub headers you can use the supplied CMake macros
In our case somethin like the following will do the job:
jsonrpc_generate_client_stub(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/calculator.json rpc_stubs::cCalculatorClientStub ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/calculatorclientstub.h)
jsonrpc_generate_server_stub(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/calculator.json rpc_stubs::cCalculatorServerStub ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/calculatorserverstub.h)
You can then create a simple client with the help of the @ref rpc::jsonrpc_remote_object template:
#include <rpc_pkg.h>
#include <calculatorclientstub.h>
rpc::jsonrpc_remote_object<rpc_stubs::cCalculatorClientStub> oRemoteCalculator("http://localhost:1234/calculator");
tInt nThree = oRemoteCalculator.Add(1, 2);
To implement the remote objects functionality you need to subclass rpc::jsonrpc_object_server and implement the pure virtual methods of the generated stub.
#include <rpc_pkg.h>
#include <calculatorserverstub.h>
class cCalculator: public rpc::jsonrpc_object_server<rpc_stubs::cCalculatorServerStub>
int Add(int nValue1, int nValue2) override
return nValue1 + nValue2;
int Subtract(int nValue1, int nValue2) override
return nValue1 - nValue2;
int Multiply(int nValue1, int nValue2) override
return nValue1 * nValue2;
int Divide(int nValue1, int nValue2) override
return nValue1 / nValue2;
In order for the remote object to be accessible we need to create an RPC server
void Server()
rpc::cJSONRPCServer oServer;
cCalculator oCalculator;
oServer.RegisterRPCObject("calculator", &oCalculator);
// wait for quit
The package RPC is delivered under the MPL - Mozilla Public License - Version 2.0
The RPC Package depends on the a_util library.