It is now maintained at
FEP System description and Tooling
This library contains following internal parts:
Abstraction Model to describe a FEP System. See
This library is provided under MPL 2.0 Have also a look at doc/licence for all license information.
See also used licenses
For change history have a look at Change Log
The libraries above depend on the a_util library
Use conan and cortex if possible ! ;-)
The libraries are build and tested only under following compilers and operating systems:
- Visual Studio C++ 2015 Update 3.1 (Update 3 and KB3165756)
- On other distributions make at least sure that libc has version >= 2.23 and libstdc++ >= 6.0.21.
- gcc 5.4
If you can not reach the above online repositories the bundle of it is delivered within a separate download area or installation.