Dockerfile for running Swagger Codegen.
This allows users to generate code without installing Java on the host machine, or without updating from Java 1.6 (we all have our reasons).
This container image is also helpful if you can't, or don't want to, install Bash in your environment.
Swagger Codegen CLI options are available:
- generate
- help
- langs
- meta
- config-help
The default is help
All options for the CLI are supported.
docker run -it jimschubert/swagger-codegen-cli config-help -l csharp
For full options details, see the Swagger Codegen README.
Mount a volume to /swagger-api/out
for output.
docker run -it -v ~/temp/swagger-generated:/swagger-api/out \
jimschubert/swagger-codegen-cli generate \
-i /swagger-api/yaml/petstore-with-fake-endpoints-models-for-testing.yaml \
-l csharp \
-o /swagger-api/out/cs
Your generated code will now be accessible under ~/temp/swagger-generated/cs
To read in a swagger definition from a local file, just map a volume to /swagger-api/yaml
docker run -it -v ~/temp/swagger-generated:/swagger-api/out \
-v ~/temp/swagger-definitions:/swagger-api/yaml \
jimschubert/swagger-codegen-cli generate \
-i /swagger-api/yaml/twitter.yaml \
-l csharp \
-o /swagger-api/out/twitter
Your generated code will now be accessible under ~/temp/swagger-generated/twitter