New since pre-release
- Side-nav and page-tab scrolling
- homepage alignment fixes
- body copy length adjustments
- add italic plex + document italics
New in v1.0.0
- Add metadata from siteMetadata
This will automatically inject a title, description and keywords into the head of your document. Simply provide them to siteMetadata in your gatsby-config.js
module.exports = {
siteMetadata: {
title: 'Gatsby Theme Carbon',
description: 'A Gatsby theme for the carbon design system',
keywords: 'gatsby,theme,carbon',
__experimentalThemes: [
resolve: 'gatsby-theme-carbon',
All of our components are global now, if it comes from us you don't need to import it at the top of your
files~~`import { PageDescription, Row, Column } from 'gatsby-theme-carbon'`~~
- Add Link styles to markdown w/ support for local links
- Added manifest config to example w/ docs
- Add default favicon
- Update sass build: blazing fast hot module reloading and smaller bundle size
- gatsby-image: higher default image quality, and WebP for browsers that support it
- Tabs component!
Two possible breaking changes:
If you were using the theme options to configure some manifest options (name, short_name, short_url, background/theme color) the preferred method is to now pass those options into the manifest plugin itself. We were just passing them in for you anyway.
This configuration is demonstrated in the example project.
If you're using a
component for your own custom components, you'll need to import the styles for that component.While you can just include the entire css stylesheet from carbon-components, we recommend importing just the component you need (example below). You can read more about importing Carbon's individual components' styles from our medium post here.
The new Link component demonstrates this pattern.