Go client for captain.ai
REST API in JSON format.
client := captain.NewClient()
client.IntegrationKey = "integration key"
client.DeveloperKey = "developer key"
client.UserAgent = "optional user agent"
// Create order.
order := &captain.Order{
// see godoc
ctx := context.TODO()
response, err := client.CreateOrder(ctx, "account id", order)
If you want to test live requests, create a file with environment variables.
Inject the envrionment variables for testing.
$ env $(cat .env | xargs) go test ./...
If you don't want to test live requests pass the -short
testing option.
$ go test -short ./...
"errors": {
"signature_url": [
"must be filled"
"items_link": [
"must be filled"
"recipient": {
"full_name": [
"must be filled"
"phone_number": [
"is in invalid format"
"opted_out_of_SMS": [
"must be filled",
"must be boolean or must be equal to true or must be equal to false or must be equal to null"
"opted_out_of_email": [
"must be filled",
"must be boolean or must be equal to true or must be equal to false or must be equal to null"
"partners_internal_recipient_id": [
"must be filled"
"landline_number": [
"must be filled"
"delivery_job": {
"dropoff_location": {
"longitude": [
"must be filled"
"latitude": [
"must be filled"
"custom_fields": [
"must be filled"