Intel® RealSense™ SDK 2 wrapper for Java.
Supported version: v2.53.1
Following binaries are pre-compiled within the release jar:
- Windows x86 / x64
- Mac x64
- Linux armHF / arm64 / x86 / x64
- The library is still under development
- Not all methods have been ported yet to fully support
through the high level API
Include the library directly into your gradle / maven build by using jitpack.
repositories {
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.cansik:librealsense-java:v2.53.1-0.6.0'
There are examples in the test folder for java & AWT and Processing:
- Java
- Processing
The library is based on the librealsense2 C-warpper which has been ported by Samuel Audet.
This repository is based on the following works: