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Added iteration method entries(), as well as toBuffer() and toArray()
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ByronBecker committed Feb 5, 2023
1 parent 808f800 commit e25521d
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Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import Array "mo:base/Array";
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
import Debug "mo:base/Debug";
import Int "mo:base/Int";
import Iter "mo:base/Iter";
import O "mo:base/Order";
import Nat "mo:base/Nat";
import Stack "mo:base/Stack";
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -166,6 +167,256 @@ module {

/// Returns an ascending order BTree iterator
public func entries<K, V>(t: BTree<K, V>): Iter.Iter<(K, V)> {
switch(t.root) {
case (#leaf(leafNode)) { return leafEntries(leafNode) };
case (#internal(internalNode)) { internalEntries(internalNode) };

func leafEntries<K, V>({ data }: Leaf<K, V>): Iter.Iter<(K, V)> {
var i: Nat = 0;
object {
public func next() : ?(K, V) {
if (i >= data.count) {
return null
} else {
let res = data.kvs[i];
i += 1;
return res

// Cursor type that keeps track of the current node and the current key-value index in the node
type NodeCursor<K, V> = { node: Node<K, V>; kvIndex: Nat };

func internalEntries<K, V>(internal: Internal<K, V>): Iter.Iter<(K, V)> {
object {
// The nodeCursorStack keeps track of the current node and the current key-value index in the node
// We use a stack here to push to/pop off the next node cursor to visit
let nodeCursorStack = initializeNodeCursorStack(internal);

public func next(): ?(K, V) {
// pop the next node cursor off the stack
var nodeCursor = nodeCursorStack.pop();
switch(nodeCursor) {
case null { return null };
case (?{ node; kvIndex }) {
switch(node) {
// if a leaf node, iterate through the leaf node's next key-value pair
case (#leaf(leafNode)) {
let lastKV = - 1: Nat;
if (kvIndex > lastKV) {
Debug.trap("UNREACHABLE_ERROR: file a bug report! In BTree.internalEntries(), leaf kvIndex out of bounds");

let currentKV = switch([kvIndex]) {
case (?kv) { kv };
case null { Debug.trap(
"UNREACHABLE_ERROR: file a bug report! In BTree.internalEntries(), null key-value pair found in leaf node."
# "" # Nat.toText( # ", kvIndex=" # Nat.toText(kvIndex)
) };
// if not at the last key-value pair, push the next key-value index of the leaf onto the stack and return the current key-value pair
if (kvIndex < lastKV) {
nodeCursorStack.push({ node = #leaf(leafNode); kvIndex = kvIndex + 1 });

// return the current key-value pair
// if an internal node
case (#internal(internalNode)) {
let lastKV = - 1: Nat;
// Developer facing message in case of a bug
if (kvIndex > lastKV) {
Debug.trap("UNREACHABLE_ERROR: file a bug report! In BTree.internalEntries(), internal kvIndex out of bounds");

let currentKV = switch([kvIndex]) {
case (?kv) { kv };
case null { Debug.trap(
"UNREACHABLE_ERROR: file a bug report! In BTree.internalEntries(), null key-value pair found in internal node. " #
"" # Nat.toText( # ", kvIndex=" # Nat.toText(kvIndex)
) };

let nextCursor = { node = #internal(internalNode); kvIndex = kvIndex + 1 };
// if not the last key-value pair, push the next key-value index of the internal node onto the stack
if (kvIndex < lastKV) {
// traverse the next child's min subtree and push the resulting node cursors onto the stack
// then return the current key-value pair of the internal node
traverseMinSubtreeIter(nodeCursorStack, nextCursor);

func initializeNodeCursorStack<K, V>(internal: Internal<K, V>): Stack.Stack<NodeCursor<K, V>> {
let nodeCursorStack = Stack.Stack<NodeCursor<K, V>>();
let nodeCursor: NodeCursor<K, V> = {
node = #internal(internal);
kvIndex = 0;

// push the initial cursor to the stack
// then traverse left
traverseMinSubtreeIter(nodeCursorStack, nodeCursor);

// traverse the min subtree of the current node cursor, passing each new element to the node cursor stack
func traverseMinSubtreeIter<K, V>(nodeCursorStack: Stack.Stack<NodeCursor<K, V>>, nodeCursor: NodeCursor<K, V>): () {
var currentNode = nodeCursor.node;
var childIndex = nodeCursor.kvIndex;

label l loop {
switch(currentNode) {
// If currentNode is leaf, have hit the minimum element of the subtree and already pushed it's cursor to the stack
// so can return
case (#leaf(leafNode)) {
// If currentNode is internal, add it's left most child to the stack and continue traversing
case (#internal(internalNode)) {
switch(internalNode.children[childIndex]) {
// Push the next min (left most) child node to the stack
case (?childNode) {
childIndex := 0;
currentNode := childNode;
node = currentNode;
kvIndex = childIndex;
case null { Debug.trap("UNREACHABLE_ERROR: file a bug report! In BTree.dfsTraverseIter(), null child node error") };

/// Returns an array of all the key-value pairs in the BTree
/// Note: If the BTree contains more entries than the message instruction limit will allow you to process in across consensus this may trap mid-iteration
public func toArray<K, V>(t: BTree<K, V>): [(K, V)] {
Buffer.toArray<(K, V)>(toBuffer<K, V>(t));

/// Returns a buffer of all the key-value pairs in the BTree.
/// The Buffer class type is not stable returned is described in the Motoko-base library here:
/// Note: If the BTree contains more entries than the message instruction limit will allow you to process in across consensus this may trap mid-iteration
public func toBuffer<K, V>(t: BTree<K, V>): Buffer.Buffer<(K, V)> {
// initialize the accumulator buffer to have the same size as the BTree (to avoid resizing)
let entriesAccumulator = Buffer.Buffer<(K, V)>(t.size);
switch(t.root) {
case (#leaf(leafNode)) { appendLeafKVs(leafNode, entriesAccumulator) };
case (#internal(internalNode)) { appendInternalKVs(internalNode, entriesAccumulator) };

// Appends all kvs in the leaf to the entriesAccumulator buffer
func appendLeafKVs<K, V>({ data }: Leaf<K, V>, entriesAccumulator: Buffer.Buffer<(K, V)>): () {
var i = 0;
while (i < data.count) {
switch(data.kvs[i]) {
case (?kv) { entriesAccumulator.add(kv) };
case null { Debug.trap("UNREACHABLE_ERROR: file a bug report! In appendLeafEntries data.kvs[i] is null with data.count=" # Nat.toText(data.count) # " and i=" # Nat.toText(i)) };
i += 1;

// Iterates through the entire internal node, appending all kvs to the entriesAccumulator buffer
func appendInternalKVs<K, V>(internal: Internal<K, V>, entriesAccumulator: Buffer.Buffer<(K, V)>): () {
// Holds an internal node stack cursor for iterating through the BTree
let internalNodeStack = initializeInternalNodeStack(internal, entriesAccumulator);
var internalCursor = internalNodeStack.pop();

label l loop {
switch(internalCursor) {
case (?{ internal; kvIndex }) {
switch([kvIndex]) {
case (?kv) { entriesAccumulator.add(kv) };
case null { Debug.trap("UNREACHABLE_ERROR: file a bug report! In internalEntries[kvIndex] is null with" # Nat.toText( # " and kvIndex=" # Nat.toText(kvIndex)) };
let lastKV = ( - 1: Nat);
if (kvIndex > lastKV) {
Debug.trap("UNREACHABLE_ERROR: file a bug report! In internalEntries kvIndex=" # Nat.toText(kvIndex) # " is greater than" # Nat.toText(

// push the new internalCursor onto the stack, and traverse the left child of the internal node
// increment the kvIndex of the internalCursor,
let nextCursor = { internal = internal; kvIndex = kvIndex + 1 };
// if the kvIndex is less than the number of keys in the internal node, push the new internalCursor onto the stack,
if (kvIndex < lastKV) {

// traverse the next child's min subtree and push the resulting internal cursors to the stack
traverseInternalMinSubtree(internalNodeStack, nextCursor, entriesAccumulator);
// pop the next internalCursor off the stack and continue
internalCursor := internalNodeStack.pop();
// nothing left in the internalNodeStack, signalling that we have traversed the entire BTree and added all kv pairs to the entriesAccumulator
case null { return };

func initializeInternalNodeStack<K, V>(internal: Internal<K, V>, entriesAccumulator: Buffer.Buffer<(K, V)>): Stack.Stack<InternalCursor<K, V>> {
let internalNodeStack = Stack.Stack<InternalCursor<K, V>>();
let internalCursor: InternalCursor<K, V> = {
kvIndex = 0;
traverseInternalMinSubtree(internalNodeStack, internalCursor, entriesAccumulator);


// traverse the min subtree of the current internal cursor, passing each new element to the node cursor stack
// once a leaf node is hit, appends all the leaf entries to the entriesAccumulator buffer and returns
func traverseInternalMinSubtree<K, V>(internalNodeStack: Stack.Stack<InternalCursor<K, V>>, internalCursor: InternalCursor<K, V>, entriesAccumulator: Buffer.Buffer<(K, V)>): () {
var currentNode = internalCursor.internal;
var childIndex = internalCursor.kvIndex;
label l loop {
switch(currentNode.children[childIndex]) {
// If hit a leaf, have hit the bottom of the min subtree, so can just append all leaf entries to the accumulator and return (no need to push to the stack)
case (?#leaf(leafChild)) {
appendLeafKVs(leafChild, entriesAccumulator);
// If hit an internal node, update the currentNode and childIndex, and push the min child index of that internal node onto the stack
case (?#internal(internalNode)) {
currentNode := internalNode;
childIndex := 0;
internal = internalNode;
kvIndex = childIndex;
case null { Debug.trap("UNREACHABLE_ERROR: file a bug report! In dfsTraverse, currentNode.children[childIndex] is null with" # Nat.toText( # " and childIndex=" # Nat.toText(childIndex)) };

/// The direction of iteration
/// \#fwd -> forward (ascending)
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