Stable and mutable singly and doubly linked lists in Motoko
Careful, these operations mutate the underlying linked lists involved!
Sometimes you want both an efficient prepend and append, and the fact that your underlying data structure is mutating just isn't as important as the consistent performance of operations on that data.
API documentation for this library can be found at
Install vessel and ensure this is included in your package-set.dhall and vessel.dhall
Singly Linked List Example
import LL "mo:linkedlist/LinkedList";
import Nat "mo:base/Nat";
// create, append, and prepend to a linked list
var l1 = LL.empty<Nat>();
l1 := LL.append<Nat>(l1, 5);
l1 := LL.prepend<Nat>(l1, 3);
// merge two linked lists
var l2 = LL.empty<Nat>();
l2 := LL.append<Nat>(l2, 8);
l2 := LL.append<Nat>(l2, 10);
// Careful! This mutates both l1 and l2
let l3 = LL.merge<Nat>(l1, l2);
import DLL "mo:linkedlist/DoublyLinkedList";
import Nat "mo:base/Nat";
// create, append, and prepend to a doubly linked list
var l1 = DLL.empty<Nat>();
l1 := DLL.append<Nat>(l1, 5);
l1 := DLL.prepend<Nat>(l1, 3);
// merge two doubly linked lists
var l2 = DLL.empty<Nat>();
l2 := DLL.append<Nat>(l2, 8);
l2 := DLL.append<Nat>(l2, 10);
// Careful! This mutates both l1 and l2
let l3 = DLL.merge<Nat>(l1, l2);
// pop elements from the head and tail of a doubly linked list
let (l4, poppedHead) = DLL.popHead<Nat>(l3);
let (l5, poppedTail) = DLL.popTail<Nat>(l3);
StableRBTree is distributed under the terms of the Apache License (Version 2.0).
See LICENSE for details.