1- Create database and execute "app_user.sql" file for table user table. (dbname = linkedininv_db, username=postgres, password=postgres)
2- install node modules
3- run nodejs
4- Login e.g. http://localhost:5000/login?email=xxx@gmail.com&password=ppp
5- decide industries (id-> id column app_user table, clist-> industry id in linkedin) e.g. http://localhost:5000/update_clist?id=1&clist=137,4
For ids -> http://localhost:5000/industries?id=1&q={industry_name_param}
6- app_user table inote column for send invitations with message. (@personname parameter for include person name in message body)
7- Send invites e.g. http://localhost:5000/sendinv?id=2&count=10