Candy's Mario Paint is a personal project of mine, written in HTML/Canvas, JavaScript, and CSS. It was inspired by my memory of playing the super cool Mario Paint game on Super Nintendo when I was a kid.
The app allows you to choose an image from a preset toolbox and use it as a brush.
Painting on the canvas using images is relatively simple. The slightly complicated part was registering when the user clicks vs when the user wants to drag the brush.
The cool part was implementing a way to render images to the toolbox in a DRY, efficient way. I wrote a function to add the images to an array, then appended each image with a specified size to the toolbox. I also used this iteration method add an EventListener so that users can click on a brush and change the brush immediately.
I wrote this method so that users can eventually upload their own images to use as brushes.
Here is the code:
let imgs = [];
for(let i = 0; i < 20; i += 1) {
imgs.push( new Image() );
imgs[i].src = "./assets/images/icons/" + "icon_" + i + ".png";
imgs.forEach(function(img, idx) {
let toolbox = document.getElementById("brush-toolbox");
img.setAttribute("height", "65");
img.setAttribute("id", "icon_"+idx);
Clicking on the "Brush settings" button opens up a modal that allows you to change the size and opacity of the brush.
For now, you can clear the canvas. Eventually, you will be able to save a session, restore it, and undo changes.
As mentioned above, I plan to allow the user to save and restore a session, undo/redo actions, and upload custom pictures to use as brush.