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2012.10.11 Weekly Check in
demory edited this page Oct 18, 2012
1 revision
- 13:30 <novalis_dt> good afternoon
- 13:31 <grant_h> hi!
- 13:32 <demory> hello everyone
- 13:32 -!- mele [d819d40a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #opentripplanner
- 13:33 <novalis_dt> Let's get started?
- 13:33 <abyrd> Hi
- 13:33 <demory> sure
- 13:33 <demory> My update: still focused mainly on the Analyst IDEA proposal and the transit data dashboard / deployer workflow
- 13:34 <novalis_dt> I've been working on fixing various minor bugs and issues reported by everyone under the sun.
- 13:36 <novalis_dt> Also looking forward to SOTM this weekend
- 13:36 <abyrd> Also working on the IDEA proposal, Analyst/OSM initiatives in Paris, and experimenting with animated analyst visualizations with a time component
- 13:38 <grant_h> novalis_dt: when does your flight get in?
- 13:38 <novalis_dt> Friday evening
- 13:38 <novalis_dt> 8:40pm
- 13:39 <grant_h> nice, well there's a social friday evebning with the wherecamp folks
- 13:39 <mele> i think it ends at 9 though...
- 13:40 <grant_h> ah, yeah, the conference starts pretty early on Saturday
- 13:40 <novalis_dt> Then I'll probably just catch dinner with my brother and see you in the morning.
- 13:40 <grant_h> sounds good
- 13:40 <abyrd> for a minute there I thought you guys were in Tokyo.
- 13:41 <novalis_dt> Tokyo?!
- 13:41 <qlex> Wojciech@goeuropa here, just wanted to throw in my 5 cents worth..we're working hard on a leaflet-based new iplaner webapp - that will be using osm and otp only (no flash, no google)
- 13:41 <qlex> including geocoder
- 13:42 <novalis_dt> Awesome.
- 13:42 <mele> nice
- 13:42 <novalis_dt> Are you starting with Nominatim, or from scratch?
- 13:42 <qlex> dont know if you guys also are currently invovled in extending the bike leaflet frontend
- 13:42 <qlex> novalis_dt: startgin with nominatim, but have all sorts of problem with it
- 13:42 -!- githubbot [] has joined #opentripplanner
- 13:42 -githubbot:#opentripplanner- [OpenTripPlanner] novalis pushed 1 new commit to master:
- 13:42 -githubbot:#opentripplanner- [OpenTripPlanner/master] fix #857 - novalis
- 13:42 -!- githubbot [] has left #opentripplanner
- 13:42 <qlex> including lack of all addresses etc
- 13:42 <demory> qlex, yeah, that's an ongoing project
- 13:43 <abyrd> yeah, the worldwide SOTM was in Tokyo but I didn't know the dates. I had to look at the site to see that the US conference was in Portland.
- 13:43 <novalis_dt> Oh, right.
- 13:43 <novalis_dt> I wish I were going to Tokyo!
- 13:43 <qlex> at some point david, we should get in touch and compare our efforts..we're making ours in a way that could become standard for all otp deploytments
- 13:43 -!- FrankP [d819d43f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #opentripplanner
- 13:43 <demory> qlex, the work kind of slowed down w/ the iphone stuff lately but i plan to pick it back up soon, hopefully in time for inclusion in the 1.0 release
- 13:44 <qlex> well, i hope our effort could help you out and we could end up with a nice 1.0 release including webapp, iphone and android ?
- 13:44 <demory> this is where the work is currently being done:
- 13:44 <qlex> that would sound good to me in terms of getting a 1.0 version
- 13:45 <demory> qlex, yeah, we should coordinate on that. sounds like there's some overlap
- 13:45 <qlex> yes
- 13:46 <qlex> i will try to engage with my engineer so that we can show you something mid next week
- 13:46 <qlex> should i contact you by email then ?
- 13:46 <demory> ok, sounds good
- 13:46 <demory> that branch i linked to is basically what is on now
- 13:47 <qlex> ok
- 13:47 <demory> the next big step is support for transit-based trips, which is pretty significant
- 13:47 <qlex> we're trying to get osm data to power shape generation and this is what we really stucked at currently
- 13:47 <qlex> with osm data being very up-to-date in poland but we're using car trip planning to create shapes between stops..
- 13:48 <qlex> and this is problematic for all areas that are not accessible by cars
- 13:48 <qlex> like bus stations etc
- 13:48 <qlex> this is where w could have a brainstorming session on
- 13:48 <demory> when you say shapes between stops, you mean the transit segment alignments?
- 13:49 <qlex> yes, i mean how bus is going from one stop to another
- 13:49 <qlex> to align its trip with streets
- 13:49 <demory> isn't that included in the reponse from OTP, provided that shapes.txt was in the gtfs?
- 13:49 <novalis_dt> Are you trying to automatically find these?
- 13:49 -!- atogle [] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]
- 13:50 <qlex> demory: we're approaching a situation where not a single agency provides shapes.txt
- 13:50 <qlex> novalis_dt: yes
- 13:50 <qlex> and then modify them if we spot errors
- 13:51 <demory> ok
- 13:51 <qlex> i dont want to overburden your weekly call with our efforts though !
- 13:51 <qlex> :)
- 13:51 <demory> yeah, that's a tricky problem
- 13:51 <demory> no, it's good to hear what you're up to
- 13:51 <demory> and I do want to coordinate once our work on the leaflet UI picks back up
- 13:52 <demory> let's stay in touch via email
- 13:52 <qlex> ok
- 13:52 <qlex> we're also trying to evaluate using ec2 to host a bigger otp deployment
- 13:52 <qlex> but i guess i could talk separately to andrew on that topic
- 13:52 <novalis_dt> We use EC2 for all of our deployment
- 13:53 <qlex> there's too many projects on my mind currently but i promise to keep in touch
- 13:53 <novalis_dt> It works great.
- 13:53 <qlex> yeah, were using free tier for the moment
- 13:54 <qlex> want to host our own nominatim and modify the downloaded osm data with more data
- 13:54 <novalis_dt> How well does that work? I don't know of anyone who has used OTP on the EC2 free tier?
- 13:55 <qlex> well, free tier is to "weak" to run graphbuilder, but we are using it for a smaller test city and it works ok
- 13:55 <novalis_dt> Neat.
- 13:55 <qlex> i know there was a problem that my enginner couldnt utilize localhost, but needed to send requests from webapp to api using the domain ?
- 13:55 <novalis_dt> Hm, interesting
- 13:55 <qlex> so this was slowing things down
- 13:58 <qlex> ok, thats it from me, the floor is yours, guys :)
- 13:58 <demory> ok, thanks for the update qlex
- 13:58 <demory> anything else for the check-in?
- 13:59 <mele> I don't think there's anything from us right now...
- 13:59 <grant_h> nope, gettin ready for state of the mP