A DevOps Stack module to deploy a Kubernetes cluster on Amazon Web Services EKS.
This module creates EKS managed nodes by default, bug also supports self-managed node groups by setting the variable use_self_managed_node_groups
to true
. It uses the Terraform module "eks" by AWS to manage the cluster itself.
The node_groups
variable is a map of objects. Each value of the map creates a node group referenced by its label. The value object can take any input accepted by the eks-managed-node-group or self-managed-node-group submodule.
Here is an example that creates one EKS managed node group with 3 instances of type r5a.large
, attaches them to the cluster Load Balancer(s), and customizes the base EBS volume size to 100 GB:
node_groups = { "my-node-group" = { instance_types = ["r5a.xlarge"] min_size = 3 max_size = 3 desired_size = 3 nlbs_attachment = true block_device_mappings = { "default" = { device_name = "/dev/xvda" ebs = { volume_size = 100 } } } }, }
When using self-managed node groups, the instance type is instead given as a single string value instead of an array: instance_type = "r5a.xlarge" |
You can check out available instance types on the official AWS documentation pages. |
Depending on the create_public_nlb
and create_private_nlb
variables, it creates a public and/or public Network Load Balancer(s). The node groups that have the target_group_arns = module.my_cluster.nlb_target_groups
value set will be added as backends of the LBs. By default, the LBs only forward traffic on the ports 80
and 443
, but you can customize this using the extra_lb_target_groups
and extra_lb_http_tcp_listeners
variables to add other ports. Look at the lb.tf
file in this module for the syntax.
This module needs a Route 53 DNS zone in the same AWS account to create a wildcard CNAME record that points to the Network LB. The DNS zone must be passed in the base_domain
variable. This record is used by other DevOps Stack modules as default URLs for their applications.
The versions 2.x and earlier of this module created self-managed node groups exclusively. Upgrading to versions 3.x or later requires setting the variable use_self_managed_node_groups
to true
to avoid breaking existing clusters.
When going from self-managed node groups to EKS managed ones, note the following changes in node groups arguments:
Switching an existing cluster to EKS managed node groups is possible, but requires manually draining the existing nodes after the new node group is created and before the old one is destroyed (by doing a terraform apply -target <resource>
in multiple steps).
The following Modules are called:
The following resources are used by this module:
aws_autoscaling_attachment.node_groups_to_nlbs_target_groups (resource)
aws_route53_record.wildcard (resource)
aws_eks_cluster_auth.cluster (data source)
aws_region.current (data source)
aws_route53_zone.this (data source)
dns_a_record_set.nlb (data source)
dns_a_record_set.nlb_private (data source)
The following input variables are required:
Description: List of IDs of private subnets that the EKS instances will be attached to.
Type: list(string)
The following input variables are optional (have default values):
Description: The base domain for the cluster.
This module needs a Route 53 zone matching this variable with permission to create DNS records. It will create a wildcard CNAME record *.<subdomain>.<base_domain>
that points to an Elastic Load Balancer routing ingress traffic to all cluster nodes. Such urls will be used by default by other DevOps Stack modules for the applications they deploy (e.g. Argo CD, Prometheus, etc).
Type: string
Default: null
Description: Kubernetes <major>.<minor>
version to use for the EKS cluster.
See AWS EKS documentation for a list of available versions.
If you do not specify a value, the latest available version at creation is used and no upgrades will occur except those automatically triggered by EKS.
The value can be set and increased on an existing cluster to upgrade it. Note that this triggers a rolling replacement of the compute nodes, so all pods will be recreated.
Type: string
Default: null
Description: List of CIDR blocks which can access the Amazon EKS public API server endpoint.
Type: list(string)
Description: List of IDs of public subnets the public NLB will be attached to if enabled with 'create_public_nlb'.
Type: list(string)
Default: []
Description: Whether to use self-managed node groups instead of EKS managed node groups.
EKS managed node groups have the advantage of automatically draining the nodes when instances are being replaced.
You should set this variable to true
on clusters deployed with a module earlier than v3 because it created self-managed node groups exclusively.
Changing this on an existing cluster is not supported (although it is possible with some downtime and manual fixes to the load balancer target groups).
Type: bool
Default: false
Description: Whether to create an internet-facing NLB attached to the public subnets
Type: bool
Default: true
Description: Whether to create an internal NLB attached the private subnets
Type: bool
Default: false
Description: List of node_groups indexes that the NLB(s) should be attached to
Type: list(any)
Default: []
Description: Additional Target Groups to attach to Network LBs.
A list of maps containing key/value pairs that define the target groups. Required key/values: name
, backend_protocol
, backend_port
Type: list(any)
Default: []
Description: Additional Listeners to attach to Network LBs.
A list of maps describing the HTTP listeners. Required key/values: port
, protocol
. Optional key/values: target_group_index
(defaults to http_tcp_listeners[count.index]
Type: list(any)
Default: []
Description: Tags to apply to all resources created by the EKS Terraform module.
Type: map(string)
Default: {}
Description: A list of the desired control plane logs to enable.
Type: list(string)
Description: Map of access entries to add to the cluster. The type of the variable is any
similarly to the upstream EKS module. Please check the their README for more information and examples.
Type: any
Default: {}
The following outputs are exported:
Description: Name of the EKS cluster.
Description: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster
Description: The base domain for the cluster.
Description: The URL on the EKS cluster for the OpenID Connect identity provider
Description: ID of the node shared security group
Description: Map of attribute maps for all node groups created.
Description: Endpoint for your Kubernetes API server.
Description: Certificate data required to communicate with the cluster.
Description: Token to use to authenticate with the cluster.
Description: Map of the DNS names of the load balancers (public and/or private if enabled). Returns null
if the respective load balancer is disabled.
Description: Map of the zone_id of the load balancer to assist with creating DNS records (public and/or private if enabled). Returns null
if the respective load balancer is disabled.
Description: List of the target groups ARNs (public and/or private if enabled).
Description: Kubernetes API endpoint and CA certificate as a structured value.
Show tables
= Requirements
Name | Version |
>= 1.0 |
>= 4 |
= Providers
Name | Version |
>= 4 |
n/a |
= Modules
Name | Source | Version |
terraform-aws-modules/eks/aws |
~> 20.0 |
terraform-aws-modules/alb/aws |
~> 8.0 |
terraform-aws-modules/alb/aws |
~> 8.0 |
= Resources
Name | Type |
resource |
resource |
data source |
data source |
data source |
data source |
data source |
= Inputs
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
Name of the EKS cluster. Must be unique in the AWS account. |
n/a |
yes |
The base domain for the cluster. This module needs a Route 53 zone matching this variable with permission to create DNS records. It will create a wildcard CNAME record |
no |
The subdomain used for ingresses. |
no |
Kubernetes See AWS EKS documentation for a list of available versions. If you do not specify a value, the latest available version at creation is used and no upgrades will occur except those automatically triggered by EKS. The value can be set and increased on an existing cluster to upgrade it. Note that this triggers a rolling replacement of the compute nodes, so all pods will be recreated. |
no |
List of CIDR blocks which can access the Amazon EKS public API server endpoint. |
no |
ID of the VPC where the cluster and nodes will be deployed. |
n/a |
yes |
List of IDs of private subnets that the EKS instances will be attached to. |
n/a |
yes |
List of IDs of public subnets the public NLB will be attached to if enabled with 'create_public_nlb'. |
no |
A map of node group configurations to be created. |
no |
Whether to use self-managed node groups instead of EKS managed node groups. EKS managed node groups have the advantage of automatically draining the nodes when instances are being replaced. You should set this variable to Changing this on an existing cluster is not supported (although it is possible with some downtime and manual fixes to the load balancer target groups). |
no |
Whether to create an internet-facing NLB attached to the public subnets |
no |
Whether to create an internal NLB attached the private subnets |
no |
List of node_groups indexes that the NLB(s) should be attached to |
no |
Additional Target Groups to attach to Network LBs. A list of maps containing key/value pairs that define the target groups. Required key/values: |
no |
Additional Listeners to attach to Network LBs. A list of maps describing the HTTP listeners. Required key/values: |
no |
Tags to apply to all resources created by the EKS Terraform module. |
no |
A list of the desired control plane logs to enable. |
no |
Map of access entries to add to the cluster. The type of the variable is |
no |
= Outputs
Name | Description |
Name of the EKS cluster. |
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster |
The base domain for the cluster. |
The URL on the EKS cluster for the OpenID Connect identity provider |
ID of the node shared security group |
Map of attribute maps for all node groups created. |
Endpoint for your Kubernetes API server. |
Certificate data required to communicate with the cluster. |
Token to use to authenticate with the cluster. |
Map of the DNS names of the load balancers (public and/or private if enabled). Returns |
Map of the zone_id of the load balancer to assist with creating DNS records (public and/or private if enabled). Returns |
List of the target groups ARNs (public and/or private if enabled). |
Kubernetes API endpoint and CA certificate as a structured value. |