Before start, make sure you have installed:
docker -v
docker-compose -v
npm -v
and Postman or a similar tool.
Check your docker:
docker-compose ps
At this point, nothing should be running. Now we can download the image and run docker in the background:
docker-compose up -d
Check your docker again. This time we will have a container up mapping to the internal port 1433:
docker-compose ps
First lets install the dependecies:
npm install
To create our database we can access the sqlcmd by doing:
docker exec -it sql-server-db "bash"
/opt/mssql-tools/bin/sqlcmd -S localhost -U SA -P Summer@2021.
create database productsmanagement
Check if the database was created by listing all:
select name from sys.Databases
Select the one we created and create table:
use productsmanagement
CREATE TABLE products(productId int IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED NOT NULL, name nvarchar(100) NOT NULL, description nvarchar(1500), price decimal(19,2) NOT NULL, currency nvarchar(3) NOT NULL, views int NOT NULL, deleted bit NOT NULL)
Check if the table is there:
select * from products
This is just a sample on how to add a line in the table by cmd:
INSERT INTO products(name, description, price, currency, views, deleted) VALUES(N'Shoelala', N'Shoes for man in a special ocasion', 90, N'USD', 150, 0)
Now we are set!
Let's run the application:
npm start
Here some samples of usage.
Get the list of products not flagged as deleted:
Get a product by id and not flagged as deleted (the views number will be increased):
Get a product by id not flagged as deleted, and convert currency(optional), the views number will be increased:
Add a product(description is optional): Body JSON:
"name": "Shoelala",
"description": "Shoes for man on a special occasion",
"price": 92.32,
"currency": "USD",
"views": 639,
"deleted": false
POST request:
Update an existing product: Body JSON:
"name": "Shoelala",
"description": "Shoes for man on ANY occasion",
"price": 57.89,
"currency": "USD",
"views": 639,
"deleted": false
PUT request:
Delete product, here we flag the product as '"deleted": true': DELETE request:
Get Top viewed products: Here we can set 2 different query params that are optional: top and currency. top is the number of elements in the top viewed list you want, and currency is for convert the price in the currency set.
If no top is set, the default value is 5. If no currency is set, the default is USD.
Please feel free to contact me if you need any further information: