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Lively kernel installation on debian and mac os x

Robert Krahn edited this page Oct 15, 2012 · 4 revisions

Note: The apache config files were moved to livelykernel-scripts. The description below is not up-to-date anymore! Please see the Installation Guide


  • apache2
  • git
  • subversion
  • libapache2-svn

Installation on Debian

  1. install prerequisites

    sudo apt-get install (e.g. apache2)

  2. checkout Lively Kernel form GitHub (e.g. into /opt)

    cd /opt git clone

  3. copy Apache config

    sudo cp LivelyKernel/apache_config/lk_ubuntu.conf /etc/apache2/conf.d/ sudo cp LivelyKernel/apache_config/proxy_rules.conf /etc/apache2/

You have to include the proxy_rules in your root config:

sudo edit /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default

Insert: "Include proxy_rules.conf" in the Directory directive of your DocumentBase (e.g. /var/www)

######## example #########
<Directory /var/www>
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
    AllowOverride None
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all
	Include proxy_rules.conf
  1. create a symbolic link to the destination of the repository (e.g. it is in /opt/LivelyKernel)

    ln -s /opt/LivelyKernel /var/www/lively-kernel

  2. create a SVN repository for the Wiki (e.g. in /etc/apache2/repos)

    cd /etc/apache2 mkdir repos && cd repos svnadmin create LivelyWiki chown -R www-data:www-data LivelyWiki

  3. add Apache config for Wiki (new file e.g. lk_wiki.conf in /etc/apache2/config.d/)

    sudo cp LivelyKernel/apache_config/lk_wiki.conf /etc/apache2/conf.d/

  4. checkout the Wiki repository and copy blank.xhtml in it to be able to start work

    cd /opt svn co file:///etc/apache2/repos/LivelyWiki cp /opt/LivelyKernel/blank.xhtml /opt/LivelyWiki/ cd LivelyWiki svn add blank.xhtml svn ci -m "added blank.xhtml"

  5. start the server and see if it works (the Wiki can be found at "/wiki")

    sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start (or put restart instead of start if it is already running)

  6. optionally you can bootstrap the parts from the PartsBin of the webwerkstatt

Right-click to open the WorldMenu. Go to Tools and click on Workspace. Copy the following text into the editor pane:

var  oldRootPath = Config.rootPath
try {
    Config.rootPath = ''
    $world.openPartItem("BootstrapParts", "PartsBin/Tools")
} finally {
    Config.rootPath = oldRootPath

Hit CTRL-A CTRL-D to executed the code.

!Note! You have to change the URL in the "to:" field of the bootstrap tool to your wiki URL (e.g. <your_server>/wiki) if URL and repository name are different (as in this tutorial)

Installation on Mac OS X

Installation on Mac OS X is a little more straight forward. If any prerequisites are missing you have to install them e.g. with homebrew.

  1. checkout Lively Kernel form GitHub (e.g. into /opt)

    cd /opt git clone

  2. copy Apache config

    sudo cp LivelyKernel/apache_config/lk_osx.conf /etc/apache2/other/

  3. create a symbolic link to the destination of the repository (e.g. it is in /opt/LivelyKernel)

    ln -s /opt/LivelyKernel /Library/WebServer/Documents/lively-kernel

  4. create a SVN repository for the Wiki (e.g. in /etc/apache2/repos)

    cd /etc/apache2 mkdir repos && cd repos svnadmin create LivelyWiki chown -R www-data:www-data LivelyWiki

  5. add Apache config for Wiki (new file e.g. lk_wiki.conf in /etc/apache2/config.d/)

    sudo cp LivelyKernel/apache_config/lk_wiki.conf /etc/apache2/other/

  6. checkout the Wiki repository and copy blank.xhtml in it to be able to start work

    cd /opt svn co file:///etc/apache2/repos/LivelyWiki cp /opt/LivelyKernel/blank.xhtml /opt/LivelyWiki/ cd LivelyWiki svn add blank.xhtml svn ci -m "added blank.xhtml"

  7. start the server and see if it works (the Wiki can be found at "/wiki")

    sudo apachectl start (or put restart instead of start if it is already running)

  8. optionally you can bootstrap the parts from the PartsBin of the webwerkstatt

Right-click to open the WorldMenu. Go to Tools and click on Workspace. Copy the following text into the editor pane:

var  oldRootPath = Config.rootPath
try {
    Config.rootPath = ''
    $world.openPartItem("BootstrapParts", "PartsBin/Tools")
} finally {
    Config.rootPath = oldRootPath

Hit CMD-A CMD-D to executed the code.

!Note! You have to change the URL in the "to:" field of the bootstrap tool to your wiki URL (e.g. <your_server>/wiki) if URL and repository name are different (as in this tutorial)