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1.2.5 Friend versus Foe

Is there a way to adopt genuine friendship with predatory marauders, oblivious hypocrites, habitual crooks, and genocidal plunderers?

You might consider the entire range of people you have met in your lifetime, and realize that most people you are not friends with, whom you don't seem to care about to any significant extent, weren't, or still aren't as bad as predatory marauders, oblivious hypocrites, habitual crooks, and genocidal plunderers. You most probably, also have never desired to be one of those kinds of bad people, even if you've ever had any difficulties with being honest with yourself, and with others. Consequently, those people who aren't your friends and whom you can't seem to care about, aren't your enemies either, mostly because maintaining animosity takes up too much attention and resources. Yet, you may have continued to be contemptuous against innocent people, in silence or in a passive aggressive manner, while being complicit with the actions of predatory and parasitic "supreme leaders."

However, for professional soldiers and contracted war-fighters deployed in a geographic region with battle zones, regardless of the reason of their deployment, the task of quickly discerning an approaching entity as a friendly, or as a hostile unit, is of vital importance. Too bad, many US-led commanders who took part in previous wars within the Middle-East and within African countries, had a problematic way of training their subordinates to designate any person with the ability to walk or drive a vehicle, and who wasn't overtly obsequious to US-led groups, as a hostile, or as "a potential hostile." The much worse aspect of those US-led soldiers and contractors was their definition of a "hostile territory", where everything that could move within a territory marked as hostile, was a threat or a "potential threat", to the life and functionality of their commanding officers, or platoon members.

The most idiotic part of the definition of a hostile territory by American and British led forces was that it could include geographic regions of hundreds of thousands of square kilometers, encompassing entire countries, and even groups of countries. Defining entire nations and their territories as hostile, has become a standard way of promoting pogroms via bigotry, and as a way to dehumanize all people living within those territories, for the purposes of invading them with unwavering genocidal intentions. The same strategy has been copied by NATO, Russian-led, and Israeli-led forces, in the aftermath of the previous World Wars. Each of them have their own version of "a god-given, unquestionable set of reasons for directing their requisitioned resources, towards an irredeemable enemy", even if the so-labeled enemy are poor and famine-stricken, unarmed people in refugee camps (that is, re-education and concentration camps).

As such, is there a way to have sympathy for Nazis? Not for me though. There hasn't, and there most probably will never be a way for me to have sympathy for supremacists because all supremacists, whether they are of Anglo-Saxon origins or not, happen to prioritize genocidal activities against targeted categories of peoples and populations, as an engine for the growth of their "glorious and supreme nation's economy", above all other ways of living on this Earth. Moreover, I absolutely cannot empathize with Nazis and other supremacists, nor do I ever wish to be able to empathize with them. Do you wish to sympathize with them? Have you ever managed to empathize with Nazis, colonialists, or supremacists?

However, in all honesty, can you imagine a military force along with its dictatorial, monarchic, or parliamentary leaders, hailing from any part of the world, that hasn't already defined a particular territory of the planet with its ethnic populations as, "the enemy?"

Even though increasing magnitudes of toxicity from global-scale pollution generated from human activities, is an enemy to all living beings, most world leaders and influential business persons can't be genuinely bothered about that existential threat, just yet, because they are too busy profiteering from warmongering, and from divisively spreading mutually destructive hatred among groups of working class people. Those highly educated and well-cultured yet, self-centered leaders, lobbyists and influencers, are also convinced that they will grow old and die a natural death, having lived a fulfilling, free, and lavish lifestyle, before pollution and climate change related issues manage to catch up to them. And why should they ever be bothered about future generations of human beings, unless it somehow impacts their current lifestyle goals, morale, and industrial profits? They are convinced, that once they die, they will not need to, or even be able to, have any concerns about a universe that gets simultaneously wiped out from existence, for them, upon their demise.

Are those kinds of callous, self-centered leaders friends of humanity? Aren't they the self-proclaimed enemies of all young, and future generations of human beings? What exactly do you think leaders in these kinds of countries are doing, as they continue to encourage fossil fuel companies into becoming even more belligerent?

Suppose a better test for discerning a friend from a foe, of humanity, were to be defined, one that is at least better than the way right-winged, US-led groups define the concept of anti-American activities; what kinds of considerations would go into that definition? Especially, what shape would that definition take, if it had to be taught to an advanced form of Artificial Intelligence, that is, to a generalized AI?

Supremacists have already been using AI to discriminate against various categories of people because royal supremacists and colonialists, have remained 'unerringly' convinced, that it is unnatural and impossible, to grant basic human rights to all human beings, merely by virtue of such beings having human biology. The topic of acknowledging a zygote as a person, and granting it legal protections because of its "personhood", is a priority for supremacists concerned about zygotes and fetuses of their own ethnicity, compared to acknowledging the personhood of already born, human beings, suffering in refugee camps. Those refugees aren't viewed by supremacist as belonging to a desirable ethnicity, or as a valuable 'stock' from a worthy part of the world. And so, the supremacists and racists of this world continue to assert that, if it were "god's will", refugees wouldn't have found themselves in their current circumstances of needing to beg for mercy, from warlords and other lords of war. Such is the case, even though the warmongers in this world happen to be those very same racists and colonialists, who pretend to have the noble and majestic capacity of being 'divinely ordained defenders' of all religions, with the ability to freely grant mercy to all of "god's creatures", without hesitation. They tend to make such bold and grandiose claims, even though those heads-of-state are utterly petulant, and they somehow keep getting stumped by fountain pens.

So, one might as well come up with a proper definition of human beings, that up-coming AI in the hands of commercial and state-sponsored entities can be trained to learn; so that those AI based systems don't re-enforce bigoted definitions of who is worthy of being given basic human rights, while deciding that other groups of people are to be slated next, on their supreme master's list for eradication.

Those kinds of supreme masters aren't Santa Clause, by the way, they are simply the people who own the lore of Santa Clause, for propagating their commercial and industrial objectives. Those supremacists and colonialists won't otherwise, stand for earning legitimate income from lower profit-margin based clean activities, with publicly espoused objectives of becoming veritably eco-friendly, and genuinely humanitarian.

When the veil of philanthropy can get the job done for protecting predatory capitalists from international censure, why should they bother to adopt policies and practices towards deprecating illicit and polluting industries, especially when narcotics and fossil fuel based industries currently provide huge financial profit margins, for their participatory shareholders?

Even though a kilogram of crude oil ought to be valued at, or lower than the price of a kilogram of asbestos, with respect to human biological health; how will people addicted to profits form oil companies and their petrochemical subsidiaries realize the aforementioned, basic rationale? More importantly, how will various sets of AI, in charge of conducting high frequency and high volume trading in globally linked share markets, learn such a basic truth that can impact treasury bonds of all countries trading in petro-dollars?

Of course, current version of America isn't trying to be an enemy to any nation, nor a friend for that matter. The current form of America only wants to be your daddy. "Now, who's your daddy?"

However, if a test of friendship or kinship were to be constructed, what would it actually look like?

Suppose I were to decide that all those who can properly enunciate the password — kxand (क्षण), could be allowed into my 'Tabernacle', and those who would dare to approach its entrance but fail to provide the correct password in its 'proper form', be killed. Why would that password be spelled in English as "kxand?" Just to be more cryptic, and for no other reason. As such, those who wouldn't be able to correctly pronounce the word "kʂəɳ", due to, say, a defect in their ability to utter certain phonemes, would betray their lack of 'true' kinship with me. And therefore! They would have to be... Wait, actually, why would they have to be killed?

What kind of fairness is to murder a person merely because they had a different accent, or a different linguistic background? Wouldn't that simply be a nefarious, and extreme form of bigotry? And why would such a test involving the pronunciation of a word be propagated as a tradition, of any kind, for people wanting to distinguish between familiar individuals compared to "strangers?" Worse, if a person's cleft lip prevented them from being able to utter certain vocalizations, or their cultural background caused them to not be fluent with certain dialects of a language, how could it possibly be a fault attributed to their personhood and character?

Worst of all, if narratives about how fMRI studies 'showcasing' that a person's inability to recognize and pronounce certain utterances was 'a proof of their mental handicap', were to be popularized by university professors and scholars, wouldn't that kind of a bigoted ploy and intellectual dishonesty, be purely insidious?

Why did I think of the above example when considering the topic of friend versus foe? I was pondering about the roles human beings get to play in this world, and one of them is of a "pleader." So I was wondering to myself, how would an Arab pronounce the English word, pleader, given that many Arabs switch the "pa" sound with a "ba" sound when speaking English as a foreign language. LOLs!

Hunters, gatherers, researchers, managers, traders, menders, builders, pleaders, rescuers, and story tellers. These roles have always existed in every tribe and civilization, and are usually the more laudable friendly ones, compared to antagonistic roles like "sorcerers", bandits, and mercenaries. The idea that only hunters and gatherers are primary roles that have been 'naturally' divided between men as hunters, and women as gatherers, since time immemorial, is sexist and nonsensical. How could there possibly have existed a tribe of people, in any part of the world at any point of time, without infants and elderly individuals also existing as members of that human settlement? How could people who were not at all capable of "working", as hunters or gatherers due to their age or physical situation, not have lived a worthy and valuable life alongside persons of all other ages, genders, or abilities, and that too, without ever having any form of inquisitiveness or an innate desire, to be expressive, as a human being?

Each of the above-mentioned roles have a struggle or a fight, already present within the day-to-day chores of a person who adopts any conceivable set of roles to wade through life, as a mortal being. Those who become proficient in taking the fight to an enemy, might eventually decide to play the role of a professional soldier. However, animosity and hostility come at a severe price, and come into existence between people, even before any individual can identify how and from where, acts of insidiousness were directed at them.

Who was the first one to harbor animosity, in secret, while pretending to be a friend, or a kin, or a confidant, only to snare and ambush victims? How have untrustworthy wrongdoers been able to shamelessly get away with their dastardly, and systematic forms of harmful deeds, along with their continuously exploitative activities directed against innocent and unassuming people, day-upon-day, year-after-year, for decades or even centuries? Especially, remorseless genocidal crooks in Canada, and from Canada; how can those dastardly fiends still be allowed to run amok freely with their pretense of being humanitarian, by the international community, and by other conscientious Canadians?

Insufferable and incorrigible wrongdoers need not be tolerated, because pretentious cheats are bad, murderous goons are worse, and conniving fiends are the worst. Tolerating those who blight the Earth, only causes more strife and rancor to spread among communities that would rather co-exist in peace, without having to waste away and damage their humanity from harboring violent, or deceptive relationships with one another. Obligation versus Courtesy

Paying reparations is an obligation, that Canada hasn't lived up to, because of the moral failings of influential Canadians who have never had the necessary intentions and rectitude, for directing their willpower and efforts towards genuinely redressing Canada's institutionalized wrongdoings. It would not be an act of charity, kindness, gifting, or benevolent courtesy for Canadians to pay their obligatory dues, in the form of legitimate reparations and remedies, owed to victims and survivors of state-sponsored sadism, bigotry, and malicious activities.

Halting ongoing murderous and surreptitious behaviors, that are still being carried out by coordinated groups and organizations operating in Canada, against: newcomers, dissidents, minorities, and marginalized communities, isn't going to be some type of a 'favor' or 'alms' that Canadian authority figures and citizens, will end up giving to injured, distressed, and violated persons. Nor will paying for remedies, compensations, reparations, and satisfactory restitution be any type of a sacrifice, or a loss incurred by Canada. Sincerely paying their debts in full, to injured communities and individuals, is the foremost task that Canadian institutions and corporations need to prioritize without resorting to anymore dishonorable excuses, or disingenuous tactics like differed obligations, because the long-overdue compensations with compounding annual interests, and added penalties for unpaid reparations, are continuously mounting, which will soon outweigh Canada's solvency.

Furthermore, Canada has already lost all privileges and opportunities to differ those payments, for having thoroughly abused the rights, patience, and trust of all such persons and communities who would have bothered to acknowledge Canada's legitimacy and creditworthiness. Canada has yet to halt its genocidal activities, let alone perform a worthy gesture to earn the trust of people who have been abused by Canadian state-sponsored agents, and agencies. Worse, Canadian leaders have started to openly glorify acts of terrorism against other countries, by giving full-fledged support to known hate groups and international terror organizations incubated within Canada.

Thus, all necessary measures that can be taken up by grieved individuals and communities, to collect on outstanding debts and to obtain satisfactory justice, are entirely valid and justifiable, in every moral and rational sense of the considerations highlighted herein. Such considerations also happen to be necessarily applicable, and relevant to restoring and preserving the basic human rights of all such peoples, who have been made to suffer cruelty, molestation, injuries, damages, or pain, at the hands of any entities supported or incubated via Canada.