is an R package designed for the exploratory analysis and
visualization of rhodopsin protein structures, focusing on
template-based helix alignments and mapping these alignments onto 3D
structures of well-characterized template rhodopsins. Currently, there
are no pre-existing R tools that directly work with rhodopsins.
By leveraging structural templates, the package aligns helical regions of rhodopsins and projects these alignments onto the corresponding 3D template structure. This workflow facilitates structural insights and comparative studies of rhodopsins, enabling researchers to understand conserved features and variations across different members of this protein family.
The package is particularly valuable in homology modeling by offering a streamlined approach to guide the construction of 3D models of rhodopsin variants. Accurate helix alignments ensure that key structural motifs are properly positioned, while the 3D mapping aids in refining and validating model geometries.
was developed using R version 4.4.1 (2024-06-14 ucrt),
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64, and Running under: Windows 11 x64
(build 22631)
To install the latest version of the package:
devtools::install_github("calicac001/RhodopXin", build_vignettes = TRUE)
To run the shiny App:
To see an overview of the package, run:
data(package = "RhodopXin")
contains the following main functions:
loadSequence - takes in a FASTA file path and creates an AAStringSet object out of it
loadFromRcsb - takes in a RCSB PDB id and returns an AAStringSet object of the structure’s sequence
createHelixAlignments - performs pairwise alignment between each of the template rhodopsin’s helices and each of the query sequences, allowing users to see the conservation of residues across a given helix.
visualizeHelixAlignments - takes the output of createHelixAlignments and create visual representations of the alignments
visualizeHelixMapping - map the conserved residues from createHelixAlignments into the 3D structure of the given template rhodopsin
Additionally, the following helper functions are present but not exported:
- helixSequences - returns a list of AAString objects containing the sequence info of the given template rhodopsin’s helices
- findHelices - finds all the helices in a PDB structure given and then return a dataframe for the start and end positions of each helix.
- validateRcsbId - validates the RCSB id input given by the user so that the PDB structure can be fetched in the RCSB database
- getPDBstruct - retrieve the PDB file for given RCSB id
- templateMapping - processes the
dataframe returned by createHelixAlignments so it reflects the mapping positions of the alignments to the template’s resolved structure - resolvedMapDf - creates a dataframe containing the the residue numbers in the full sequence of the template and the corresponding residue numbers in the resolved structure when missing residues are taken into account
The package also contains two .fasta
files, processed into datasets,
and sample rhodopsins
, by the loadSequence
function. See the package vignette for more details.
An overview of RhodopXin
is illustrated below.
The author of the package is Chloe Nichole Calica. The author wrote the functions described above while contributions from external packages and sources are outlined below:
- fetch PDB structures and sequence in loadFromRcsb()
- read PDB files in findHelices,
- write PDB files in getPDBstruct
- construct AAStringSet objects in loadSequence(), loadFromRcsb(), helixSequences, resolvedMapDf
- extract sequence given start and end positions in helixSequences
- extract sequence of the resolved template structure in resolvedMapDf
- combining pairwise alignments of multiple queries in createHelixAlignments -
- create pairwise alignments between template and query rhodopsins in createHelixAlignments and between the full and resolved sequence of the template rhodopsin in resolvedMapDf -
get information on PDB structures in validateRcsbId -
templateMapping uses
for dataframe processing of the mapped positions in the resolved structure of the template rhodopsin. -
visualizeHelixAlignments uses
to create the combined visualization of the helix alignments -
visualizeHelixAlignments uses
to create visualizations of the mapped alignments into the 3D structure of the template rhodopsin. -
the shiny application was created using the following packages:
, andshinythemes
OpenAI’s ChatGPT was utilized during the development of this package in terms of optimizing/debugging functions and styling the elements in the R shiny app.
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This package was developed as part of an assessment for 2024 BCB410H:
Applied Bioinformatics course at the University of Toronto, Toronto,
CANADA. RhodopXin
welcomes issues, enhancement requests, and other
contributions. To submit an issue, use the GitHub
issues. Many thanks to
those who provided feedback to improve this package.