This project implements a simple 16-bit CPU core in Verilog/SystemVerilog, featuring a 5-stage control unit and a datapath that consists of multiplexers, a register file (8 addresses), an ALU, and a main memory.
Previously was an 8-bit 3-stage CPU Core (v1)
- 3-Inputs: ADD SUB MUL DIV AND OR XOR LSL LSR with register or immediate value (ADDI, SUBI, etc.)
4-bit opcode | 1-bit imm flag | 3-bit destination reg | 3-bit reg operand 1 | 5-bit imm or reg operand 2 |
- 2-Inputs: LD, ST, MOV, CMP with register or immediate value
4-bit opcode | 1-bit imm flag | 3-bit reg operand 1 | 8-bit imm or reg operand 2 |
- 1-Input: BEQ BLT BGT J
4-bit opcode | 1-bit flag | 11-bit imm value |
The simulation demonstrates the operation of the control unit as it executes instructions through the following stages: fetch, decode, execute, memory access, and write-back.
In the simulation depicted below:
- The first set of instructions consists of arithmetic and logical operations, which store their results in register 7.
- Following these operations, a branch instruction is executed, which skips one instruction.
- Finally, the simulation showcases load and store commands interacting with the main memory.
Where R2= 3, R3= 5, R4= 9, R5= 9, and R6= 8
PC | Machine Instruction | Assembly Instruction | Description | Result |
PM[17] | 0111_1_111_110_00010 |
LSL R7, R6, R2 | R7 = R6 << R2 | R7 = 64 |
PM[18] | 0111_0_111_110_00001 |
LSLI R7, R6, #1 | R7 = R6 << 1 | R7 = 16 |
PM[19] | 1000_1_111_110_00010 |
LSR R7, R6, R2 | R7 = R6 >> R2 | R7 = 1 |
PM[20] | 1000_0_111_110_00001 |
LSRI R7, R6, #1 | R7 = R6 >> 1 | R7 = 4 |
PM[21] | 1100_1_100_00000101 |
CMP R4, R5 | Compare R4 and R5 | Are equal |
PM[22] | 1101_0_00000000001 |
BEQ #1 | Branch 1 if equal | Skip 1 instruction |
PM[23] | 1011_0_111_00000001 |
MOVI R7, #1 | Move 1 into R7 | Is skipped: R7 = 4 |
PM[24] | 1011_0_111_00000010 |
MOVI R7, #2 | Move 2 into R7 | R7 = 2 |
PM[25] | 1010_1_110_00000011 |
ST R6, [R3] | Store #8 at mem 5 | Stored in mem |
PM[26] | 1001_1_111_00000011 |
LD R7, [R3] | Load mem 5 into R7 | R7=8 |
PM[27] | 1010_0_011_00001010 |
STI R3, [#10] | Store #5 at mem 10 | Stored in mem |
PM[28] | 1001_0_111_00001010 |
LDI R7, [#10] | Load mem 10 into R7 | R7=5 |
- v1: 8-bit 3-stage CPU with an accumulator for immediate values
- v2 (Current): 16-bit 5-stage CPU, new ISA, no accumulator
- v3: Implement instruction pipelining
- v4: Implement UVM
- v5: Implement instruction-level parallelism