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@ SyntaxTree macro for SyntaxTree literals in normal lowering
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This macro is quite hacky but also really cool - it allows you to use
- what appear to be - normal `quote` blocks to extract `SyntaxTree`
syntax literals rather than `Expr`. Including basic syntax interpolation (!?!).

Honestly I'm kind of amazed this works as well as it seems to work. It
even works in the REPL courtesy of some extremely sketchy digging into
the REPL history internals.
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c42f committed Dec 3, 2024
1 parent 5d2b3cf commit e4503ec
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Base.Expr(ex::SyntaxTree) = JuliaSyntax.to_expr(ex)

function _find_SyntaxTree_macro(ex, line)
@assert !is_leaf(ex)
for c in children(ex)
rng = byte_range(c)
firstline = JuliaSyntax.source_line(sourcefile(c), first(rng))
lastline = JuliaSyntax.source_line(sourcefile(c), last(rng))
if line < firstline || lastline < line
# We're in the line range. Either
if firstline == line && kind(c) == K"macrocall" && begin
name = c[1]
if kind(name) == K"."
name = name[2]
@assert kind(name) == K"MacroName"
name.name_val == "@SyntaxTree"
# We find the node we're looking for. NB: Currently assuming a max
# of one @SyntaxTree invocation per line. Though we could relax
# this with more heuristic matching of the Expr-AST...
@assert numchildren(c) == 2
return c[2]
elseif !is_leaf(c)
# Recurse
ex1 = _find_SyntaxTree_macro(c, line)
if !isnothing(ex1)
return ex1
return nothing # Will get here if multiple children are on the same line.

Macro to construct quoted SyntaxTree literals (instead of quoted Expr literals)
in normal Julia source code.
tree1 = @SyntaxTree :(some_unique_identifier)
tree2 = @SyntaxTree quote
x = 1
\$tree1 = x
macro SyntaxTree(ex_old)
# The implementation here is hilarious and arguably very janky: we
# 1. Briefly check but throw away the Expr-AST
if !(Meta.isexpr(ex_old, :quote) || ex_old isa QuoteNode)
throw(ArgumentError("@SyntaxTree expects a `quote` block or `:`-quoted expression"))
# 2. Re-parse the current source file as SyntaxTree instead
fname = String(__source__.file)
if occursin(r"REPL\[\d+\]", fname)
# Assume we should look at last history entry in REPL
# Wow digging in like this is an awful hack but `@SyntaxTree` is
# already a hack so let's go for it I guess 😆
text = Base.active_repl.mistate.interface.modes[1].hist.history[end]
if !occursin("@SyntaxTree", text)
error("Text not found in last REPL history line")
error("Text not found in REPL history")
text = read(fname, String)
full_ex = parseall(SyntaxTree, text)
# 3. Using the current file and line number, dig into the re-parsed tree and
# discover the piece of AST which should be returned.
ex = _find_SyntaxTree_macro(full_ex, __source__.line)
# 4. Do the first step of JuliaLowering's syntax lowering to get
# synax interpolations to work
_, ex1 = expand_forms_1(__module__, ex)
@assert kind(ex1) == K"call" && ex1[1].value == interpolate_ast
esc(Expr(:call, interpolate_ast, ex1[2][1], map(Expr, ex1[3:end])...))

# Lightweight vector of nodes ids with associated pointer to graph stored separately.
struct SyntaxList{GraphType, NodeIdVecType} <: AbstractVector{SyntaxTree}
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14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions test/syntax_graph.jl
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# Expr conversion
@test Expr(parsestmt(SyntaxTree, "begin a + b ; c end", filename="none")) ==
Meta.parse("begin a + b ; c end")

tree1 = JuliaLowering.@SyntaxTree :(some_unique_identifier)
@test tree1 isa SyntaxTree
@test kind(tree1) == K"Identifier"
@test tree1.name_val == "some_unique_identifier"

tree2 = JuliaLowering.@SyntaxTree quote
@test tree2 isa SyntaxTree
@test kind(tree2) == K"block"
@test kind(tree2[1]) == K"Identifier" && tree2[1].name_val == "x"
@test kind(tree2[2]) == K"Identifier" && tree2[2].name_val == "some_unique_identifier"

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