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Tests for all variable scope conflicts + make duplicate destructured …
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…args an error

Here we introduce a `meta` attribute rather than - or perhaps in
addition to - the `K"meta"` kind and use it to tag local variables which
derived from function argument destructuring.

We use this to make it an error to have duplicate destructured argument
names. This is technically breaking, but probably only a good thing -
without this users will silently have the intial duplicate argument
names overwritten with the result of the last destructuring assignment.

Also add tests for the various variable scope conflict errors:
argument/local, static-parameter/local, local/global etc.
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c42f committed Nov 29, 2024
1 parent 8b98038 commit 6ed0ddd
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Showing 5 changed files with 247 additions and 93 deletions.
26 changes: 16 additions & 10 deletions src/desugaring.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1171,24 +1171,30 @@ end
# (x::T, (y::U, z))
# strip out stmts = (local x) (decl x T) (local x) (decl y U) (local z)
# and return (x, (y, z))
function strip_decls!(ctx, stmts, declkind, declkind2, ex)
function strip_decls!(ctx, stmts, declkind, declkind2, declmeta, ex)
k = kind(ex)
if k == K"Identifier"
push!(stmts, makenode(ctx, ex, declkind, ex))
if !isnothing(declmeta)
push!(stmts, makenode(ctx, ex, declkind, ex; meta=declmeta))
push!(stmts, makenode(ctx, ex, declkind, ex))
if !isnothing(declkind2)
push!(stmts, makenode(ctx, ex, declkind2, ex))
elseif k == K"Placeholder"
elseif k == K"::"
@chk numchildren(ex) == 2
name = ex[1]
@chk kind(name) == K"Identifier"
push!(stmts, makenode(ctx, ex, K"decl", name, ex[2]))
strip_decls!(ctx, stmts, declkind, declkind2, ex[1])
strip_decls!(ctx, stmts, declkind, declkind2, declmeta, ex[1])
elseif k == K"tuple" || k == K"parameters"
cs = SyntaxList(ctx)
for e in children(ex)
push!(cs, strip_decls!(ctx, stmts, declkind, declkind2, e))
push!(cs, strip_decls!(ctx, stmts, declkind, declkind2, declmeta, e))
makenode(ctx, ex, k, cs)
Expand All @@ -1199,6 +1205,7 @@ end
# global x::T = 1 ==> (block (global x) (decl x T) (x = 1))
function expand_decls(ctx, ex)
declkind = kind(ex)
declmeta = get(ex, :meta, nothing)
if numchildren(ex) == 1 && kind(ex[1]) KSet"const global local"
declkind2 = kind(ex[1])
bindings = children(ex[1])
Expand All @@ -1211,13 +1218,13 @@ function expand_decls(ctx, ex)
kb = kind(binding)
if is_prec_assignment(kb)
@chk numchildren(binding) == 2
lhs = strip_decls!(ctx, stmts, declkind, declkind2, binding[1])
lhs = strip_decls!(ctx, stmts, declkind, declkind2, declmeta, binding[1])
push!(stmts, @ast ctx binding [kb lhs binding[2]])
elseif is_sym_decl(binding)
if declkind == K"const" || declkind2 == K"const"
throw(LoweringError(ex, "expected assignment after `const`"))
strip_decls!(ctx, stmts, declkind, declkind2, binding)
strip_decls!(ctx, stmts, declkind, declkind2, declmeta, binding)
throw(LoweringError(ex, "invalid syntax in variable declaration"))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1461,9 +1468,8 @@ function expand_function_def(ctx, ex, docs, rewrite_call=identity, rewrite_body=
if kind(aname) == K"tuple"
# Argument destructuring
n = new_mutable_var(ctx, aname, "destructured_arg_$i"; kind=:argument)
# TODO: Tag these destructured locals somehow so we can trigger
# the "function argument name not unique" error if they're repeated?
push!(body_stmts, @ast ctx aname [K"local" [K"=" aname n]])
push!(body_stmts, @ast ctx aname [K"local"(meta=CompileHints(:is_destructured_arg, true))
[K"=" aname n]])
aname = n
push!(arg_names, aname)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2624,7 +2630,7 @@ function expand_forms_2(ctx::DesugaringContext, ex::SyntaxTree, docs=nothing)
# Don't recurse when already simplified - `local x`, etc
expand_forms_2(ctx, expand_decls(ctx, ex)) # FIXME
expand_forms_2(ctx, expand_decls(ctx, ex))
elseif k == K"where"
expand_forms_2(ctx, expand_wheres(ctx, ex))
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10 changes: 9 additions & 1 deletion src/macro_expansion.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,6 +14,13 @@ struct ScopeLayer
is_macro_expansion::Bool # FIXME

# Type for `meta` attribute, to replace `Expr(:meta)`.
# It's unclear how much flexibility we need here - is a dict good, or could we
# just use a struct? Likely this will be sparse. Alternatively we could just
# use individual attributes but those aren't easy to add on an ad-hoc basis in
# the middle of a pass.
const CompileHints = Base.ImmutableDict{Symbol,Any}

struct MacroExpansionContext{GraphType} <: AbstractLoweringContext
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -250,7 +257,8 @@ function expand_forms_1(mod::Module, ex::SyntaxTree)
graph = ensure_attributes(syntax_graph(ex),
layers = ScopeLayer[ScopeLayer(1, mod, false)]
ctx = MacroExpansionContext(graph, Bindings(), layers, layers[1])
ex2 = expand_forms_1(ctx, reparent(ctx, ex))
Expand Down
80 changes: 45 additions & 35 deletions src/scope_analysis.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -45,7 +45,9 @@ struct NameKey

function _find_scope_vars!(assignments, locals, globals, used_names, used_bindings, alias_bindings, ex)
_insert_if_not_present!(dict, key, val) = get!(dict, key, val)

function _find_scope_vars!(assignments, locals, destructured_args, globals, used_names, used_bindings, alias_bindings, ex)
k = kind(ex)
if k == K"Identifier"
push!(used_names, NameKey(ex))
Expand All @@ -57,19 +59,23 @@ function _find_scope_vars!(assignments, locals, globals, used_names, used_bindin
k in KSet"scope_block lambda module toplevel"
elseif k == K"local" || k == K"local_def"
get!(locals, NameKey(ex[1]), ex)
if (meta = get(ex, :meta, nothing); !isnothing(meta) && get(meta, :is_destructured_arg, false))
push!(destructured_args, ex[1])
_insert_if_not_present!(locals, NameKey(ex[1]), ex)
elseif k == K"global"
get!(globals, NameKey(ex[1]), ex)
_insert_if_not_present!(globals, NameKey(ex[1]), ex)
# elseif k == K"method" TODO static parameters
elseif k == K"="
v = decl_var(ex[1])
if !(kind(v) in KSet"BindingId globalref Placeholder")
get!(assignments, NameKey(v), v)
_insert_if_not_present!(assignments, NameKey(v), v)
_find_scope_vars!(assignments, locals, globals, used_names, used_bindings, alias_bindings, ex[2])
_find_scope_vars!(assignments, locals, destructured_args, globals, used_names, used_bindings, alias_bindings, ex[2])
for e in children(ex)
_find_scope_vars!(assignments, locals, globals, used_names, used_bindings, alias_bindings, e)
_find_scope_vars!(assignments, locals, destructured_args, globals, used_names, used_bindings, alias_bindings, e)
Expand All @@ -82,12 +88,13 @@ function find_scope_vars(ex)
ExT = typeof(ex)
assignments = Dict{NameKey,ExT}()
locals = Dict{NameKey,ExT}()
destructured_args = Vector{ExT}()
globals = Dict{NameKey,ExT}()
used_names = Set{NameKey}()
used_bindings = Set{IdTag}()
alias_bindings = Vector{Pair{NameKey,IdTag}}()
for e in children(ex)
_find_scope_vars!(assignments, locals, globals, used_names, used_bindings, alias_bindings, e)
_find_scope_vars!(assignments, locals, destructured_args, globals, used_names, used_bindings, alias_bindings, e)

# Sort by key so that id generation is deterministic
Expand All @@ -97,7 +104,7 @@ function find_scope_vars(ex)
used_names = sort(collect(used_names))
used_bindings = sort(collect(used_bindings))

return assignments, locals, globals, used_names, used_bindings, alias_bindings
return assignments, locals, destructured_args, globals, used_names, used_bindings, alias_bindings

function Base.isless(a::NameKey, b::NameKey)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -196,6 +203,27 @@ function init_binding(ctx, varkey::NameKey, kind::Symbol, is_ambiguous_local=fal

# Add lambda arguments and static parameters
function add_lambda_args(ctx, var_ids, args, args_kind)
for arg in args
ka = kind(arg)
if ka == K"Identifier"
varkey = NameKey(arg)
if haskey(var_ids, varkey)
vk = lookup_binding(ctx, var_ids[varkey]).kind
_is_arg(k) = k == :argument || k == :local
msg = _is_arg(vk) && _is_arg(args_kind) ? "function argument name not unique" :
vk == :static_parameter && args_kind == :static_parameter ? "function static parameter name not unique" :
"static parameter name not distinct from function argument"
throw(LoweringError(arg, msg))
var_ids[varkey] = init_binding(ctx, varkey, args_kind)
elseif ka != K"BindingId" && ka != K"Placeholder"
throw(LoweringError(arg, "Unexpected lambda arg kind"))

# Analyze identifier usage within a scope, adding all newly discovered
# identifiers to ctx.bindings and returning a lookup table from identifier
# names to their variable IDs
Expand All @@ -206,42 +234,22 @@ function analyze_scope(ctx, ex, scope_type, is_toplevel_global_scope=false,
in_toplevel_thunk = is_toplevel_global_scope ||
(!is_outer_lambda_scope && parentscope.in_toplevel_thunk)

assignments, locals, globals, used, used_bindings, alias_bindings = find_scope_vars(ex)
assignments, locals, destructured_args, globals,
used, used_bindings, alias_bindings = find_scope_vars(ex)

# Create new lookup table for variables in this scope which differ from the
# parent scope.
var_ids = Dict{NameKey,IdTag}()

# Add lambda arguments and static parameters
function add_lambda_args(args, var_kind)
for arg in args
ka = kind(arg)
if ka == K"Identifier"
varkey = NameKey(arg)
if haskey(var_ids, varkey)
vk = lookup_binding(ctx, var_ids[varkey]).kind
msg = vk == :argument && var_kind == vk ? "function argument name not unique" :
vk == :static_parameter && var_kind == vk ? "function static parameter name not unique" :
"static parameter name not distinct from function argument"
throw(LoweringError(arg, msg))
var_ids[varkey] = init_binding(ctx, varkey, var_kind)
elseif ka != K"BindingId" && ka != K"Placeholder"
throw(LoweringError(a, "Unexpected lambda arg kind"))
if !isnothing(lambda_args)
add_lambda_args(lambda_args, :argument)
add_lambda_args(lambda_static_parameters, :static_parameter)
add_lambda_args(ctx, var_ids, lambda_args, :argument)
add_lambda_args(ctx, var_ids, lambda_static_parameters, :static_parameter)
add_lambda_args(ctx, var_ids, destructured_args, :local)

global_keys = Set(first(g) for g in globals)
# Add explicit locals
for (varkey,e) in locals
if varkey in global_keys
throw(LoweringError(e, "Variable `$(` declared both local and global"))
elseif haskey(var_ids, varkey)
if haskey(var_ids, varkey)
vk = lookup_binding(ctx, var_ids[varkey]).kind
if vk === :argument && is_outer_lambda_scope
throw(LoweringError(e, "local variable name `$(` conflicts with an argument"))
Expand All @@ -258,7 +266,9 @@ function analyze_scope(ctx, ex, scope_type, is_toplevel_global_scope=false,
for (varkey,e) in globals
if haskey(var_ids, varkey)
vk = lookup_binding(ctx, var_ids[varkey]).kind
if vk === :argument && is_outer_lambda_scope
if vk === :local
throw(LoweringError(e, "Variable `$(` declared both local and global"))
elseif vk === :argument && is_outer_lambda_scope
throw(LoweringError(e, "global variable name `$(` conflicts with an argument"))
elseif vk === :static_parameter
throw(LoweringError(e, "global variable name `$(` conflicts with a static parameter"))
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51 changes: 4 additions & 47 deletions test/functions_ir.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -147,36 +147,6 @@ end
2 (return %₁)
14 (return %₄)

# Error: Duplicate function argument names
function f(x, x)
function f(x, x)
# ╙ ── function argument name not unique

# Error: Static parameter name not unique
function f() where T where T
function f() where T where T
# ╙ ── function static parameter name not unique

# Error: static parameter colliding with argument names
function f(x::x) where x
function f(x::x) where x
# ╙ ── static parameter name not distinct from function argument

# Return types
function f(x)::Int
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -682,9 +652,8 @@ end
14 (return %₁)

# Broken: the following repeated destructured args should probably be an error
# but they're just normal locals so it's a bit hard to trigger.
function f((x,), (x,))
# Duplicate destructured placeholders ok
function f((_,), (_,))
1 (method :f)
Expand All @@ -694,24 +663,12 @@ end
5 (call core.svec %%₄ :($(QuoteNode(:(#= line 1 =#)))))
6 --- method core.nothing %
1 (call top.indexed_iterate slot₂/destructured_arg_1 1)
2 (= slot₄/x (call core.getfield %1))
2 (call core.getfield %1)
3 (call top.indexed_iterate slot₃/destructured_arg_2 1)
4 (= slot₄/x (call core.getfield %1))
4 (call core.getfield %1)
5 (return core.nothing)
7 (return %₁)

# Error: Function argument destructuring conflicting with a global decl
function f((x,))
global x
function f((x,))
# ╙ ── Variable `x` declared both local and global
global x

# Binding docs to functions
Expand Down

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