The feedback portal micro-service manages the API endpoints and database necessaries to let Prytaneum users create feedback and bug reports
The feedback portal micro-service interacts with the following micro-services:
- Email Sender
- Administrator
Collection that stores feedback reports of the form:
_id: ObjectId,
date: String, // UTC
description: String,
submitterId: ObjectId
Collection that stores bug reports of the form:
_id: ObjectId,
date: String, // UTC
townhallId: ObjectId // tentative
description: String,
submitterId: ObjectId
- /feedback
- Special Interaction: Calls the Email Sender micro-service
- HTTP Method: Post
- Description: Creates a report and inserts it in the feedback-reports collection
- Permission needed: regular user
- Body of request:
{ description: String, user: { _id: ObjectId } }
- Response:
- status 200:
- message: 'Feedback successfully submitted'
- status 400:
- message: 'Some error occurred. Please try again'
- status 200:
- Special Interaction: This API endpoint can only called by the Administrator micro-service
- HTTP Method: Get
- Description: Retrieves at most 10 reports from the feedback-reports collection, depending on the page number and resolved status provided
- Permission needed: Admin user
- Query parameters:
{ page: Number, // Page number of reports sortByDate: Boolean, // Sort by date order resolved: Boolean // Resolved status of reports to return }
- Response:
- status 200:
- data:
{ reports: Array, // Array of feedback reports, possibly empty count: Number // Total count of feedback reports in the collection }
- data:
- status 400:
- message: 'Some error occurred. Please try again'
- status 200:
- HTTP Method: Get
- Description: Retrieves at most 10 feedback reports submitted by a specific user, depending on the page number provided
- Permission needed: Calling user must posses the same Id as the one provided in the request parameters
- Query parameters:
{ page: Number, // Page number of reports sortByDate: Boolean // Sort by date order }
- Body of the request:
{ user: { _id: ObjectId // Id of calling User } }
- Parameters:
{ submitterId: ObjectId }
- Response:
- status 200:
- data:
{ reports: Array, // Array of feedback reports from the specified submitter, possibly empty count: Number // Count of feedback reports submitted by the user }
- status 400:
- message: 'Some error occurred. Please try again'
- status 200:
- HTTP Method: POST
- Description: Updates the description of a specific report from the feedback-reports collection
- Permission needed: Calling user must be owner of the feedback report
- Body of request:
{ _id: ObjectId, // Id of the report to update newDescription: String // New description of the specified feedback report }
- Response:
- status 200:
- message: 'Feedback report successfully updated'
- status 400:
- message: 'Some error occurred. Please try again'
- status 200:
- HTTP Method: POST
- Description: Deletes a specific report from the feedback-reports collection
- Permission needed: Calling user must be owner of the feedback report
- Body of request:
{ _id: ObjectId // Id of the report to delete }
- Response:
- status 200:
- message: 'Feedback report successfully deleted'
- status 400:
- message: 'Some error occurred. Please try again'
- status 200:
- HTTP Method: POST
- Description: Marks a feedback report as resolved or unresolved
- Permission needed: Admin user
- Parameters:
{ _id: ObjectId // Id of report to update its resolvedStatus }
- Body of request:
{ resolvedStatus: Boolean // Value used to set the resolved of the report. true for resolved. false for unresolved }
- Response:
- status 200:
- message: 'Resolved status successfully updated'
- status 400:
- message: 'Some error occurred. Please try again'
- status 200:
- HTTP Method: POST
- Description: Adds a reply to a feedback report
- Permission needed: Admin user
- Parameters:
{ _id: ObjectId // Id of report to update its resolvedStatus }
- Body of request:
{ user: { _id: ObjectId // Id of calling User (replier) }, replyContent: String, // Content of the reply }
- Response:
- status 200:
- message: 'Reply successfully submitted'
- status 400:
- message: 'Some error occurred. Please try again'
- status 200:
- /bugs
- Special Interaction: Calls the Email Sender micro-service
- HTTP Method: Post
- Description: Creates a report and inserts it in the bugs-reports collection
- Permission needed: Regular user
- Body of request:
{ townhallId: ObjectId, description: String, user: { _id: ObjectId } }
- Response:
- status 200:
- message: 'Bug report successfully submitted'
- status 400:
- message: 'Some error occurred. Please try again'
- status 200:
- Special Interaction: This API endpoint is only called by the Administrator micro-service
- HTTP Method: Get
- Description: Retrieves at most 10 reports from the bug-reports collection, depending on the page number and resolved status provided
- Permission needed: Admin user
- Query parameters:
{ page: Number, // Page number of reports sortByDate: Boolean, // Sort by date order resolved: Boolean // Resolved status of reports to return }
- Response:
- status 200:
- data :
{ reports: Array, // Array of bug reports, possibly empty count: Number // Total count of bug reports in the collection }
- data :
- status 400:
- message: 'Some error occurred. Please try again'
- status 200:
- HTTP Method: Get
- Description: Retrieves at most 10 bug reports created by a specific user, depending on the page number and resolved status provided
- Permission needed: Calling user must have the same Id as the one provided in the request parameters
- Query parameters:
{ page: Number, // Page number of reports sortByDate: Boolean // Sort by date order }
- Body of the request:
{ user: { _id: ObjectId // Id of calling User } }
- Parameters:
{ submitterId: ObjectId }
- Response:
- status 200:
- data:
{ reports: Array, // Array of bug reports from the specified submitter, possibly empty count: Number // Number of bug reports by the user }
- data:
- status 400:
- message: 'Some error occurred. Please try again'
- status 200:
- HTTP Method: POST
- Description: Updates the description of a specific report from the bug-reports collection
- Permission needed: Calling user must be owner of the bug report
- Body of request:
{ _id: ObjectId, // Id of the report to update newDescription: String // New description of the specified bug report }
- Response:
- status 200:
- message: 'Bug report successfully updated'
- status 400:
- message: 'Some error occurred. Please try again'
- status 200:
- HTTP Method: POST
- Description: Deletes a specific report from the bug-reports collection
- Permission needed: Calling user must be owner of the bug report
- Body of request:
{ _id: ObjectId // Id of the report to delete }
- Response:
- status 200:
- message: 'Bug report successfully deleted'
- status 400:
- message: 'Some error occurred. Please try again'
- status 200:
- HTTP Method: POST
- Description: Marks a bug report as resolved or unresolved
- Permission needed: Admin user
- Parameters:
{ _id: ObjectId // Id of report to update its resolvedStatus }
- Body of request:
{ resolvedStatus: Boolean // Value used to set the resolved of the report. true for resolved. false for unresolved }
- Response:
- status 200:
- message: 'Resolved status successfully updated'
- status 400:
- message: 'Some error occurred. Please try again'
- status 200:
- HTTP Method: POST
- Description: Adds a reply to a bug report
- Permission needed: Admin user
- Parameters:
{ _id: ObjectId // Id of report to update its resolvedStatus }
- Body of request:
{ user: { _id: ObjectId // Id of calling User (replier) }, replyContent: String, // Content of the reply }
- Response:
- status 200:
- message: 'Reply successfully submitted'
- status 400:
- message: 'Some error occurred. Please try again'
- status 200: