The BFASST tool is a Python package located at bfasst/
. The tool can be used to compose custom FPGA CAD flows. Many of these flows are already defined and can be found in bfasst/flows/flow_descriptions.yaml
Example designs are located in the designs/
To run bfasst, use python scripts/
as follows:
Usage: [-h] [--flow_arguments FLOW_ARGUMENTS] flow_name_or_yaml_path [design ...]
positional arguments:
flow_name_or_yaml_path Name of the desired flow or path to a yaml file with a list of designs and the flow.
design Design(s) to run the flow on (e.g. byu/alu byu/counter byu/uart to run all three designs through the flow)
-h, --help Show this help message and exit
--flow_arguments FLOW_ARGUMENTS Arguments to pass to the flow, as python dict (e.g. "{'num_runs': 10}" for error_injection flow)
-j --jobs INT Specifies the number of jobs ninja can run in parallel (e.g. "python scripts/ basic/and3 -j 4")
Note that if a yaml file is specified, neither a design nor flow should be specified. Flow arguments and the jobs argument are optional; flows will always run with valid default arguments.
- Install Vivado 2022.2
- Clone this github repository.
- Update the first line of the Makefile and make sure the path points to your Vivado installation.
- Install necessary packages:
sudo make packages
- Install Capnproto Java
sudo make capnproto_java
- Install the Python virtual environment, activate, and install packages:
make install
BFASST can be used to compose different CAD flows from severals tools. These tools are installed with BFASST.
Before running any bfasst flows, always make sure you have activated the BFASST environment:
. .venv/bin/activate
(ran in the bfasst root directory).
A Waveform Verification tool. In other words, a tool used to confirm that two Verilog designs are equivalent through analyzing their waveforms.
- See for more details
Information found here:
- This tool depends on Project X-Ray (installed automatically with Fasm2Bels):
Information found here:
An open source synthesis tool.
The conformal plugin is currently designed to run conformal on a remote machine (CAEDM machine at BYU).
- Set up your SSH with caedm. You'll know if you set it up correctly when you can use
ssh caedm
and log in without having to enter your password. Follow the guide at . - Open bfasst/ Change the
to your caedm login info. For instance, if you connect to caedm and enterpwd
and your info is /hij/username, change fsj/jgoeders to hij/username and the machine user to username. Finally, test to confirm that everything worked correctly! Run the following:
- Activate the virual environment:
. .venv/bin/activate
- Run the flow:
python scripts/ designs/basic/add4/ xilinx_conformal_impl
The project makes extensive use of the ninja_build_tool and chevron python package to accomplish the following:
- It takes advantage of the ninja build tool to automatically handle job creation, up-to-date checking of dependencies, parallel processing, and io redirection.
- It uses chevron, the python implementation of the mustache templating engine to template the scripts used for common operations such as synthesis and implementation of designs.
- It provides unit tests that can be run with
python -m unittest
. These largely serve as a sanity check for new developers on the project, and should help to maintain minimum requirements around the implementation of new flows.
For additional information about creating your own flows using ninja and chevron, see the project structure page.