deepec Public
A fork of https://bitbucket.org/kaistsystemsbiology/deepec.git
Python GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 UpdatedNov 25, 2024 -
open-react-template Public
Forked from cruip/open-react-templateA free React / Next.js landing page template designed to showcase open source projects, SaaS products, online services, and more. Made by
TypeScript UpdatedMay 11, 2023 -
assembly-stats Public
Forked from sanger-pathogens/assembly-statsGet assembly statistics from FASTA and FASTQ files
C++ Other UpdatedNov 2, 2021 -
transXpress-RAAP Public
Forked from transXpress/transXpresstransXpress: a Snakemake pipeline for rapid de novo transcriptome assembly and annotation
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedSep 9, 2020 -
deepgoplus Public
Forked from bio-ontology-research-group/deepgoplusDeepGO with GOPlus axioms
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedApr 8, 2020 -
LeetCodeAnimation Public
Forked from MisterBooo/LeetCodeAnimationDemonstrate all the questions on LeetCode in the form of animation.(用动画的形式呈现解LeetCode题目的思路)
Java UpdatedJan 10, 2020 -
awesome-algorithm Public
Forked from apachecn/apachecn-algo-zhLeetcode 题解 (跟随思路一步一步撸出代码) 及经典算法实现
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedSep 25, 2018 -
scholar.py Public
Forked from ckreibich/scholar.pyThis is a fork of ckreibich/scholar.py with personal modifications
Python UpdatedSep 13, 2018 -
intermine Public
Forked from intermine/intermineA powerful open source data warehouse system
Java Other UpdatedMay 9, 2018 -
PathwayCo-expressionIllustrator Public
Forked from grittyy/PathwayCo-expressionIllustratorAn AIP-workshop idea app. Given a gene locus, display the pathways it is involved in and give the co-expression of genes in that pathway and other genes co-expressed with them.
JavaScript UpdatedNov 14, 2014