A sample ROM that allows you to switch out sample banks and tune them directly on your N64/Emulator. This is meant as a workaround for having to recompile and blindly test out different "Coarse" value with the N64 Sound Tools, as playback is impossible on them without the proper hardware.
- Place the files in a directory on your development machine, preferrably in a location without spaces or special characters in the name.
- (optional) Open the source folder and create a shortcut for makeme.bat, replacing the original shortcut outside the source folder.
- Execute makeme.bat to ensure that everything is properly configured. It will spit out errors until everything has been corrected.
- Once a proper compile has been made, the ROM can be found in the source/out folder, or the folder configured in makeme.bat
- Test the ROM to ensure that everything is working. If an error occured during compilation, ensure you have the Sound Tools installed.
- Replace n64st1.ptr, n64st1.wbk, sfx.bfx with your exported files. If you name the files differently, change the spec file.
- Execute the makeme shortcut to compile the ROM
- Test on an emulator/hardware.
Q: Some of my sounds don't play after a certain amount of coarse!
A: The only known solution is to lower the frequency of your sound and re-export the bank.
Q: My sound cuts off really early!
A: Make sure you change the length of the sound in the SFX Editor. 48 is equivalent to half a second
Any other information should be available in this document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1d1qKxMh3q_89w9N76xL9bXRqkXe1ylcDnAtg3cgu5s8/edit#