As a developer I want to be able to click a button in Firefox and have it test the core owncloud functionality.
Go to and download the Selenium IDE for firefox. Version 2.1.0 should be fine with FF 22/23.
Checkout this repository anywhere on your machine.
The ownCloud test suite is saved in owncloud.html. Open it in the selenium IDE and select the setup test case. The tests need to upload several files from the official owncloud demo/test data, so replace /replace/with/path/to/demodata/folder
with the path to a checked out version of
This example logs in the admin user through a simple Selenium test case. It may fail in various ways, see below for some possible outcomes and how to fix them.
git clone sudo rm -f core/config/config.php
... and get apache up with master ... if not already running.
Create the admin user with password admin
Finish setup with SQLite
git clone git clone firefox firefox firefox -> Tools -> Selenium IDE Base URL: http://localhost/core/ File -> Open... -> owncloud-selenium/owncloud.html (click) Setup (in Test Case in left pane) (click) dataFolder (in column Value in right pane) -> Target: /home/testy/oc/github/test-data/ File -> Save Test Case (this will overwrite Setup.html) (double click) Setup (in left pane 'Test Case') Stored-Vars -> Refresh (just to verify the vars are there) (Find in Page) admin (double click) Login Admin success Actions -> Play current test case
[error] Element css=#body-login not found
then the webpage http://localhost/core/index.php?logout=true probably displays
{"data":{"message":"Token expired. Please reload page."},"status":"error"}
Log out using the drop down at the right hand side from your user name. then play the test case again. The url parameter ?logout=true does not work without a requesttoken. TBD
Success: User admin is now logged in and you see the Files app.
Already implemented:
- logout
- login failure warning
- login with admin user
- create test user with cryptic password
- check and close welcome dialog
- file upload
- multiple file upload
- file upload autorename
- file rename
- sharing file with groups
- check read only permission
- check read & write permission
- check read, write and reshare permission
- sharing folder with groups
- check read only permission
- check read & write permission
- check read, write and reshare permission
- sharing file with public link
- check read only permission
- sharing file with public link
- check read only permission
- check read & write permission ...
I'll try to add whatever we can automate from with priority for file related actions and sharing. Any help is welcome.
Currently only works in Firefox / the Selenium IDE. But the script can be executed to use it with the selenium webdrivers.
Automated testing FTW!