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RL4NeT++: a packet-level network simulation framework for DRL-based routing algorithms

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RL4NeT++: A Packet-Level Network Simulation Framework for DRL-Based Routing Algorithms

Intelligent Sensing and Computing Research Center / School of Artificial Intelligence / Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

Table of Contents

Directory Structure

├── environment.yml  		// conda environment setup file
├── cmd 			// scripts for controlling simulation environment execution and simulation processes
	├── 		// Script for terminating running simulation processes
	├──		// Script for starting a simulation process
	└── 		// Script for updating the simulation environment and restart it
├── config 			// Configuration files for the simulation environment
	├── omnetpp.ini 	// OMNeT++ initialization file
	└── ned 		// Network topologies and initial probability tables
├── modules 			// Components of the simulation environment
	├── gym_env 		// Communication module connecting Python and OMNeT++
	├── omnetpp 		// Addon files to OMNeT++
	└── inet 		// Addon files to INET
└── utils 			// Tools for users' convenience
	├── 		// Convert topology files from GML files to NED file
	├── 	// Replace routers in the topology information with OSPF
	└── 	// Replace routers in the topology information with RIP

Environment Setup

In the current directory, download the RL4Net++ source code:

git clone

Conda Environment Setup

In RL4NeTpp folder, install the conda environment named "pfrp" using the environment.yml file:

cd RL4Netpp
conda env create -f environment.yml

OMNeT++ Installation

Afterward, download the omnetpp 5.6.1 installation package from the official website:

cd ../

Extract it to the current directory:

tar zxvf omnetpp-5.6.1-src-linux.tgz -C ./

Navigate to the "omnetpp-5.6.1" folder and make the following changes in the configure.user file:

WITH_TKENV=no     # Used to enable a graphical interface based on Tcl/Tk (not needed here)
WITH_QTENV=no     # Used to enable a graphical interface based on Qt
WITH_OSG=no       # Used to enable OpenSceneGraph in the Qt-based graphical interface
WITH_OSGEARTH=no  # Same as above, used to enable osgEarth (requires enabling the previous option)

Then, replace RL4Net++/modules/omnetpp/ with omnetpp-5.6.1/src/sim/ in the current directory and run the following commands to set up the environment variables:

cp -f RL4Netpp/modules/omnetpp/ omnetpp-5.6.1/src/sim/
cd omnetpp-5.6.1/
. setenv

Next, install the necessary OSG libraries:

apt install software-properties-common
add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntugis/ppa
apt update
apt install openscenegraph-plugin-osgearth libosgearth-dev

Install other dependencies like bison, build-essential, gcc, g++…

apt install build-essential gcc g++ bison flex perl tcl-dev tk-dev blt libxml2-dev zlib1g-dev doxygen graphviz openmpi-bin libopenmpi-dev libpcap-dev default-jre

Configure and build OMNeT++:


After compilation, test if OMNeT++ is working properly:

cd samples/dyna/

If it runs successfully, the installation is complete.

ZMQ Installation

Return to the current directory and prepare to install the sodium library, a dependency of zmq:

cd ../../../
git clone
cd libsodium/

Configure, compile, and install the library:

apt install autoconf
./ -s
make -j32
sudo make install

Then, write the compiled dynamic library files to /usr/local/include/:


Install ZMQ:

apt install libzmq3-dev

INET Installation

Return to the current directory and install INET version 4.2.1:

cd ../
tar zxvf inet-4.2.1-src.tgz -C ./

After extraction, replace modified files in INET:

cp -f RL4Netpp/modules/inet/Makefile inet4/
cp -r -f ./modules/inet/ipv4/* inet4/src/inet/networklayer/ipv4/
cp -r -f ./modules/inet/udpapp/* inet4/src/inet/applications/udpapp/

Compile INET:

cd inet4/
make makefiles
make -j32
. setenv

The installation is now complete.

Usage Instructions

Modify Simulation Mode

  • Traditional Routing Algorithms: Change simMode in config/omnetpp.ini file to 0.
  • Single-Agent Reinforcement Learning Algorithm(SADRL): Change simMode to 1.
  • Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Algorithm(MADRL): Change simMode to 2.

In config/omnetpp.ini , update the network topology information that needs to be simulated in network and routingFileName parameters. Other parameters can be adjusted according to simulation requirements.

Run Simulation Using Python

Next, write Python files for running and interacting with OMNeT++. At the beginning of the Python code file, import the OmnetEnv class:

from modules.gym_env.omnet_env import OmnetEnv

Before the main code, initialize OmnetEnv based on Gym:

env = OmnetEnv()
env = env.unwrapped

If you are using SADRL, add the following statement:

env.is_multi_agent = False

For MADRL, add:

env.is_multi_agent = True

Before each episode training starts, call env.reset() to start and reset the network simulation environment.

Interact with OMNeT++ Process

Use the env.get_obs() function to obtain three parameters sent back from OMNeT++:

  • The first parameter: String type, with values "s" or "r", representing whether the information returned is state or reward.
  • The second parameter: Integer type, representing the step number.
  • The third parameter: String type, containing the message body.
    • If the first parameter is "s" the third parameter contains link load information during the network simulation.
    • If the first parameter is "r" the third parameter contains delay and packet loss rate information for the current step.

If env.get_obs() returns state information, input it into the DRL algorithm, and the agent will output a set of action values. Convert these action values to a string and use env.make_action(action_str) to send the action string to OMNeT++.

If env.get_obs() returns reward information, immediately call env.reward_rcvd() after obtaining the information to inform OMNeT++ that the reward has been received.

After completing an episode of training in the reinforcement learning algorithm, use env.close() to close the simulation environment.

Example Python File

Here's an example for a simple SADRL algorithm:

from modules.gym_env.omnet_env import OmnetEnv
import ...

env = OmnetEnv()
env = env.unwrapped
env.is_multi_agent = False

agent = ...

while current_episode < MAX_EPISODE:
  	while current_step < MAX_STEP_PER_EPISODE:
      	s_or_r, step, msg = env.get_obs()
      	if s_or_r == "s":
        	state = torch.FloatTensor(msg)
          	action = agent.make_action(state)
          	action_str = "".join(
              	          		for j in range(action_dim)
	        action_str = action_str[:-1]
    	elif s_or_r == "r":
      	    delay = float(msg.split(",")[0])
        	loss_rate = float(msg.split(",")[1])
	if env:



Guocheng Lin (, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China


RL4NeT++: a packet-level network simulation framework for DRL-based routing algorithms






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