AppleScript to open files in NetBeans from the Mac OS X Finder (arff!)
So bad that it's not included :
You have to export as an Application with this AppleScript Editor
Put the Application in you Dock or the Finder Toolbar (Command + drop on Mac OS X 10.9+)
So the content of the script
-- This AppleScript created by John Kramlich of
-- Modify it in anyway you see fit.
-- moded by bunam
return -- not needed, but shows that the script stops here when "run"
on open of finderObjects -- "open" handler triggered by drag'n'drop launches
set netBeansAppNameLastRev to do shell script "ls -1 /Applications/NetBeans/ | grep -e '^NetBeans' | sed 's/.app//g' | sort | tail -n 1"
set netBeansAppNameLastRev to netBeansAppNameLastRev & ".app"
set netBeansAppFullPath to "/Applications/NetBeans/" & netBeansAppNameLastRev & "/Contents/MacOS/netbeans"
set netBeansAppFullPathQuoted to quoted form of netBeansAppFullPath
repeat with i in (finderObjects) -- in case multiple objects dropped on applet
set mypath to POSIX path of i
do shell script netBeansAppFullPathQuoted & " --open " & quoted form of mypath
end repeat
tell application netBeansAppNameLastRev
end tell
end open
An icon is provided :
- droplet.icns