The buildingSMART Data Dictionary (bSDD) is an online service for hosting data dictionaries containing classifications, their properties, allowed values, units, translations, etc. It provides a standardized workflow to improve data quality and information consistency.
Read more at bSDD project page:
At the heart of bSDD is a canonical database, where all dictionaries can be related to each other. The main way to access the bSDD is through its APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). This is how most BIM software and other apps can use the data stored in the bSDD. Apart from that, there is the bSDD Search page, where people can look up the content. Authors can publish content to bSDD through the API or the bSDD Manage portal. To upload, please register your organisation using the organisation registration form.
- bSDD project page
- bSDD Search page
- bSDD Manage portal
- bSDD API Swagger page
- bSDD updates forum
- bSDD data structure
- bSDD JSON template / bSDD Excel template
- Tools integrating bSDD. This is a self-managed list, so feel free to add missing ones.
- How to upload your data into the bSDD?
📢 We inform about planned and recently implemented bSDD updates in this forum topic: bSDD Tech Updates.
- API documentation
- API interactive documentation on Swagger:
We also provide a TEST environment where the latest features are rolled out first and tested. If you want to check it out, here are the equivalent pages (not to be used by end-users!):
- TEST API documentation on Swagger:
- TEST GraphQL environment UI: GraphQL UI and related Search/Manage pages:
- TEST Search page:
- TEST Manage portal:
Need help? Got suggestions? Contact us: CONTACT FORM.
bSDD is one of our Strategic Projects, meaning buildingSMART International is calling on industry sponsorship to help fund the delivery of bSDD improvements.