This benchmark compares messaging throughput and activation time of popular .NET virtual actor frameworks: Orleans, Proto.Actor, Akka.Net, Dapr.
- Azure CLI
- Docker
- helm
- Dapr CLI and local env (install, then run with
dapr run --app-id myapp --app-port 5071 --dapr-http-port 3500
(You can use ARM template in the azure directory as a reference)
Create following Azure resources:
- Azure Storage Account - connection string is required for Orleans clustering
- Azure Service Bus (Standard) - used to for communication between Test Runner and Test Runner client
- Azure Container Registry - it will store Docker images
- Azure Kubernetes Service - environment for running the tests
- 2 node system pool, B2ms, label:
- 3 node user pool, D4, label:
- 3 node user pool, D4, label:
- RBAC enabled
- No availability zones
- No Azure monitoring
- Be sure to connect it with the ACR upon creation
- 2 node system pool, B2ms, label:
Get credentials for AKS, e.g.
az aks list -o table
# Name Location ResourceGroup KubernetesVersion ProvisioningState Fqdn
# ------ ----------- --------------- ------------------- ------------------- ---------------------------------------------
# ab-k8s northeurope ActorBenchmark 1.22.6 Succeeded
az aks get-credentials -n ab-k8s -g ActorBenchmark
Used for central logging.
helm repo add datalust
helm repo update
helm install my-seq -f kubernetes/values-seq.yaml -n seq --create-namespace datalust/seq
You can connect to seq by forwarding a port, e.g.:
kubectl port-forward service/my-seq -n seq 5341:80
Then open http://localhost:5241
helm repo add prometheus-community
helm repo update
helm install -n prometheus --create-namespace -f kubernetes/values-prometheus.yaml my-prometheus prometheus-community/prometheus
helm repo add grafana
helm repo update
helm install -n grafana --create-namespace -f kubernetes/values-grafana.yaml my-grafana grafana/grafana
You can connect to Grafana by forwarding a port, e.g.:
kubectl port-forward service/my-grafana -n grafana 3000:80
Then open http://localhost:3000
This walkthrough assumes the container registry is named
. If you're using a different name, update the docker/image-*.sh
and kubernetes/deployment-*.yaml
Log into the image registry on your machine, e.g.:
az acr list -o table
# ------------- ---------------- ----------- ----- ------------------------ -------------------- ---------------
# abimgregistry ActorBenchmark northeurope Basic 2022-03-25T07:55:04Z False
az acr login -n abimgregistry
Run these scripts to build and push images.
cd docker
kubectl create namespace benchmark
Replace Azure storage connection string in kubernetes/deployment-orleans-sut.yaml
kubectl apply -n benchmark -f kubernetes/deployment-orleans-sut.yaml
Note: Only one configuration of test runner can be deployed at a time.
Replace Azure Service bus connection string and Azure storage connection string in kubernetes/deployment-test-runner-orleans.yaml
kubectl apply -n benchmark -f kubernetes/deployment-test-runner-orleans.yaml
kubectl apply -n benchmark -f kubernetes/deployment-proto-actor-sut.yaml
Note: Only one configuration of test runner can be deployed at a time.
Replace Azure Service bus connection string string in kubernetes/deployment-test-runner-proto-actor.yaml
kubectl apply -n benchmark -f kubernetes/deployment-test-runner-proto-actor-raw.yaml Lighthouse is used as seed node provider.
kubectl apply -n benchmark -f kubernetes/statefulset-lighthouse.yml
kubectl apply -n benchmark -f kubernetes/deployment-akka-sut.yaml
Note: Only one configuration of test runner can be deployed at a time.
Replace Azure Service bus connection string in kubernetes/deployment-test-runner-akka.yaml
kubectl apply -n benchmark -f kubernetes/deployment-test-runner-akka.yaml
You'll need a Redis deployment
helm repo add bitnami
helm repo update
helm install -n redis --create-namespace -f kubernetes/values-redis.yaml my-redis bitnami/redis
You'll also need to install Dapr in the cluster
helm repo add dapr
helm repo update
helm install -n dapr --create-namespace -f kubernetes/values-dapr.yaml my-dapr dapr/dapr
kubectl apply -n benchmark -f kubernetes/dapr-state-store.yaml
kubectl apply -n benchmark -f kubernetes/dapr-app-config.yaml
kubectl apply -n benchmark -f kubernetes/deployment-dapr-sut.yaml
Note: Only one configuration of test runner can be deployed at a time.
Replace Azure Service bus connection string in kubernetes/deployment-test-runner-akka.yaml
kubectl apply -n benchmark -f kubernetes/deployment-test-runner-dapr.yaml